Act 4, Scene 1 Flashcards
Bosola- “Her silence, methinks, expresseth more than if she spake”
Strength in silence, not passivity.
No fear of death, rather a powerful ownership of what’s to come.
Duchess “why dost thou wrap thy poisoned pills, In gold and sugar?”
Metaphor- Doesn’t need the fake reassurance.
Bosola- “he comes i’th’night:”
Performative cowardice and fickleness of Ferdinand, tense and mysterious.
AO4: Stella comforted after Stanley’s abuse.
Ferdinand- “You were too much i’th’light”
Shut herself away as a widow
Duchess after being shown the “artificial figures”
metatheatrical props
enormity of love for her family, displays the heteronormative/domestic values of the era.
Duchess- “I account this world a tedious theatre, For I do play a part in’t ‘gainst my will’
Metatheatrical, medieval theatre.
Depiction of her suffering
Ferdinand- ‘mad folk’
‘Madness is a spectacle’ the treatment of instability by Webster.
Williams has a more sensitive approach to the presentation of mental illness.