Act 4 Flashcards
Goody proctor. I hope you are hearty?
I am yet six months before my time
Goody Proctor, your husband is marked to hang this morning
I have heard it
Do you understand me?
What do you want of me?
I cannot think he will listen to another
I think that be the devils argument
We cannot read his will
I cannot dispute with you sir. I lack learning for it
It profit nothing she should speak to him
Let me speak with him, excellency
Will you plead for his confession or will you not?
I promise nothing. Let me speak with him
The child?
It grows
There is no word of the boys?
They’re well. Rebecca’s Samuel keeps them
You have not seen them?
I have not
You are a marvel, Elizabeth
You have been tortured
Aye. They come for my life now
I know it
None have yet confessed?
There be many confessed
Who are they?
There be a hundred or more they say. Goody Ballard is one; Isaiah Goodkind is one. There be many.
Not Rebecca. She is one foot in Heaven now; naught may hurt her more.
And Giles?
You have not heard of it?
I hear nothing where I am kept
Giles is dead
When were he hanged?
He were not hanged. He would not answer aye or nay to his indictment; For it if he denied the charge they’d hang him surely and auction out his property. So he stand mute and died Christian under the law. And so his sons will have his farm. It is the law for he could not be condemned a wizard without he answer the indictment aye or nay
Then how does he die?
They press him, John.
Great stones they lay upon his chest until he pled I or nay. They say he give them but two words: “more weight “ he says. And died.
“More weight”
Aye, it were a fearsome man, Giles Corey
…What say you? If I give them that?
I cannot judge you, John
What would you have me do?
As you will I would have it. I want you living, John. That’s sure.
Giles wife? Have she confessed?
She will not.
It is a pretense, Elizabeth
What is?
…I am no good man. Nothings spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long before
And yet you’ve not confessed til now. That speak goodness in you.
…I would have your forgiveness Elizabeth
It’s not for me to give, John, I am –
…what say you?
John, it come to naught that I should forgive you if you’re not forgive yourself. It is not my soul, John, it is yours. Only be sure of this for I know whatever you will do it is a good man does it. I have read my heart this three months, John. I have since of my own to count. It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery.
Enough enough
Better you should know me
I will not hear it! I know you!
You take my sins upon you John
No, I take my own! My own!
John, I counted myself so plain, so poorly made no honest love could come to me! Suspicion kissed you when I did; I never knew how I should say my love. It were a cold house I kept.
What day you Proctor? The sun is soon up. Proctor
Do what you will but let none be your judge. There be no higher judge under heaven than Proctor is! Forgive me forgive me John – I never knew such goodness in the world.
… It is evil.
I cannot judge you, John, I cannot
…Let Rebecca go like a saint; for me it is a fraud
I am not your judge, I cannot be. Do as you will, do as you will!
…Go to him, take his shame away
He have his goodness now, God forbid I take it from him.