Act 3 Key Quotes Flashcards
“I fear thou played’st…
most foully for it”
“Our fears in Banquo…
stick deep”
“He had a wisdom that doth…
guide his valor to act in safety”
“Upon my head they placed…
a fruitless crown”
“If it be so, For Banquo’s issue…
have I filed my mind”
“ye go for men; as hounds and greyhounds…
by the name of dogs”
“What’s done…
is done”
“we have scorched the snake…
not killed it”
“life’s fitful…
“Oh, full of scorpions…
is my mind, dear wife”
“Be innocent of the knowledge…
dearest chuck”
“Things bad begun make…
strong by themselves ill”
“Enter Banquo and Fleance…
with or torch”
“Thou canst not say I did it: …
never shake thy gory locks at me”
“Are you a…
“Hence, horrible…
“What man dare, …
I dare”
“I am a man…
“It will have blood; …
they say, blood will have blood”
We are yet but…
young in deed”