Act 2 Vocabulary Words of the Crucible Flashcards
What is the definition of ABROGATE?
To abolish, to do away with.
What is the definition of AMELIORATE?
To make better, to relieve, to improve
What is the definition of BASENESS?
The quality of lacking higher values
What is the definition of BEGUILE?
To deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm
What is the definition of BEGRUDGE?
To give reluctantly, to envy a possession or one’s enjoyment
What is the definition of DOGMATIC?
Strongly opinionated in an unwarranted manner
What is the definition of FORMIDABLE?
Menacing, causing fear or awe
What is the definition of HEATHEN?
An uncivilized or irreligious person
What is the definition of HERETICAL?
Contrary to church doctrine or accepted beliefs or standards
What is the definition of INNATE?
Existing from birth, inborn
What is the definition of MARAUD?
To roam or go around in quest or plunder; make raid for booty
What is the definition of PRETENSE?
False show
What is the definition of SECTARIAN?
A member of a sect that is a faction with extreme beliefs
What is the definition of SUBLIME?
Exalted, noble, uplifitng
What is the definition of VINDICTIVE?
Revengeful, spiteful
Example sentence with ABROGATE
The Europeans ABROGATED the Natives with their diseases.
Both governments voted to ABROGATE the treaty
Example sentence with AMELIORATE
The teacher asked a student to AMELIORATE their essay.
Example sentence with BASENESS
The pirate displayed his BASENESS after he killed an innocent man to get what he wanted.
Example sentence with BEGUILE
The realtor hoped to BEGUILE costumers by making the house more aesthetically pleasing.
Example sentence with BEGRUDGE
It is hard for me to not BEGRUDGE my neighbor of the ten million he won in the lottery.
Example sentence with DOGMATIC
She was very DOGMATIC on the subject of climate change that it was hard to have a proper debate with her.
Example sentence with FORMIDABLE
Asking a girl out on a date is FORMIDABLE for him, but his friend made it look easy.
Example sentence with HEATHEN
The missionary tried to teach the HEATHEN about Christianity.
Example sentence with HERETICAL
He concealed his heretical views about baptism because he doesn’t want to be lectured by his parents
Example sentence with INNATE
She has the INNATE ability to charm everyone she meets.
Example sentence with MARAUD
The town survived the attacks of the MARAUDING bands.
These kids would MARAUD around town, throwing eggs at every door they come across
Example sentence with PRETENSE
The loser of the boxing match made no PRETENSE of hiding his anger towards the judges.
Example sentence with SECTARIAN
When he visited the SECTARIAN academy, he did not like the teachers’ closed minds and decided not to apply there.
Example sentence with SUBLIME
San Francisco has SUBLIME scenery from Bernal heights.
Example sentence with VINDICTIVE
She was so VINDICTIVE that she spread nasty rumors about her friend who left her for another friend