Act 2 Scene 3 - quotes Flashcards
Othello = Dramatic irony - Iago
'’Iago is most honest’’
Othello = consummation of his marriage with Desdemona
'’the purchase made, the fruits are to ensue: the profits yet to come tween me and you’’
Othello = soul - spiritual imagery
'’hold thy soul light’’
Othello = bell
'’silence that dreadful bell: it frightens the Isle’’
Othello = Iago - ill - feigns upset
'’Honest Iago that looks dead with grieving’’
Othello =honesty and love
'’thy honesty and love doth mince this matter’’
Othello = demotes Cassio
'’I love thee, but never more be an officer of mine’’
Cassio = antagonised by Iago
'’she’s a most exquisite lady’’
Cassio = continually commenting on Desdemona’s character - contrasts Iago’s
'’fresh and delicate creature’’
‘‘she is indeed perfection’’
Cassio = warns of his misgivings with drinking, providing Iago a means in which to manipulate him
'’I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking’’
Cassio = comments on his fears for life and mortality - irony for the rest of the play
'’there be souls must be saved, and there be souls must not be saved’’
Cassio = wishes to live, one of the fortunate characters yet Iago plots his death irony
'’I hope to be saved’’
Cassio = religious imagery - drinking / lechery
'’God forgive us our sins!’’
Cassio = antagonised by Iago - spurred into fighting Roderigo / Montano
'’you rogue, you rascal’’
Cassio = overwhelmed with regret, cannot speak
'’I pray you pardon me I cannot speak’’
Cassio = societal reputation
'’reputation, reputation, reputation’’
Cassio = aware of his loss of character when drinking
'’I have lost the immortal part of myself and what remains is bestial’’
Cassio = being influenced by Iago - manages to believe that the drinking was what truly influenced him - shows real regret
'’men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!’’
Iago = goads Cassio
'’I’ll warrant her full of game’’
Iago = insults Othello
‘black Othello’’
Iago = shows a real lack of compassion and awareness of his manipulation towards Roderigo
'’my sick fool Roderigo’’
Iago = feigns cultural knowledge and worldliness to convince Cassio to drink
'’I learnt it in England where indeed they are most potent in potting’’
Iago = reference to betrayal - treachery
'’a soldier fit to stand by Caeser’’
Iago = begins to pit people against one another - goes behind Cassio’s back
'’I fear the trust Othello puts in him’’
Iago = yet then pours into the ear of others that Cassio is suffering from alcoholism - unfit for his job, yet does it in a way that makes him sound caring
'’I do love Cassio well, and would do much to cure him of this evil’’
Iago = confronts the fighting Cassio - placing a sense of doubt and regret in him about his position
'’Have you lost all sense of place and duty?’’
Iago = feigns love and respect for Cassio - makes whatever he says even more grave and weighted with importance - almost like sprezzatura
'’I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth than it should do offence to Michael Cassio’’
‘‘men are men; the best sometimes forget’’
Iago = social commentary of hierarchy and position - insecurity or real commentary from Shakespeare
‘‘Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving’’
Iago = subversive and manipulative - love - lost on Iago he doesn’t understand it and doesn’t express it
'’I think you think I love you’’
Iago = suggests Desdemona has a severe influence over Othello
'’our General’s wife is now the General’’
‘‘she may make, unmake, do what she list’’
Iago = metaphor for manipulation of Othello
'’I’ll pour pestilence into his ear’’
Iago = using Desdemona’s own virtuous nature and goodness to trap everyone in his own web of manipulation
'’turn her virtue into pitch’’
‘‘out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all’’