Act 2, Scene 2C (Giant Confrontation) Flashcards
BAKER: I warned you! Why didn’t you do something?
STEWARD: I don’t make policy, I just carry it out!
(WITCH appears)
And I warned you that you can’t count on a royal family to solve your problems.
BAKER’S WIFE: I think it best we go back to the village.
I wouldn’t be in such a rush if I were you. Guess which path the Giant took to the castle?
BAKER: What?
All that’s left of my garden is a sack of beans — and there’s not much left of your house either.
BAKER: But I heard Giants never strike the same house twice.
You heard wrong.
(Giant approaches, foot steps)
(More steps, stops)
The Giant’s a woman!
GIANT: I want the lad who climbed the beanstalk.
We’ll get him for you right away. Don’t move!
LITTLE RED: It was you who destroyed our house — not a great wind! It’s because of you I’ve no mother!
GIANT: And who destroyed my house? That boy asked for shelter, and then he stole our gold, our hen, and our harp. The he killed my husband. I must avenge the wrongdoings.
BAKER’S WIFE: We are not responsible for him.
You’re wasting your breath.
NARRATOR: The Giant, who was nearsighted, remained convinced that she had found the lad. There was no consensus among them as to which course of action to take.
BAKER’S WIFE: Put a spell on her.
I no longer have my powers. If I did, you think I’d be standing here with all of you?
Now, we’ll have to give her someone.
ALL: Who?
The Steward. It’s in his line of duty to sacrifice his life —
STEWARD: Don’t be ridiculous! I’m not giving up my life for anyone!
Don’t take it personally.
GIANT: I’m waiting.
NARRATOR: You must understand, these were not people familiar with making choices — their past experiences in the Woods had in no way prepared them to deal with a force this great.
Excuse me, but would you like a blind girl, instead?
STEPMOTHER: How dare you!
Put them out of their misery.
FLORINDA, LUCINDA: We’re not that miserable!
BAKER: What are you talking about?
BAKER’S WIFE: She doesn’t want a woman!
Fine. Then what do you suggest we do?
GIANT: I’m still waiting.
NARRATOR: It is interesting to examine the mortal is sure at question here. The finality of stories such as these dictates —
Sorry, I tell the story, I’m not part of it.
LITTLE RED: That’s right.
Not one of us.
NARRATOR: You’re making a big mistake.
NARRATOR: You need an objective observer to pass the story along.
Some of us don’t like the way you’ve been telling it.