Act 2 Scene 12 Flashcards
URSULA: Well… look who has my black magic now?
My voice… The spell is broken!
URSULA: Give me back my shell.
If it breaks, you die-
URSULA: You told her the world above was hideous, and what was it instead?
Beautiful. Beautiful beyond compare…
URSULA: He’d say anything to turn you against the Prince and his kind. Why, he’s shameless!
He’d even say that they murdered your mother-
Wait a minute! If humans didn’t kill her, then who did?
URSULA: Who? Moi? Why, I couldn’t hurt a minnow-!
TRITON: Ariel!
Can you ever forgive me? I’ve caused you such terrible worry, thinking only of myself, not you, not my sisters, not this place- the only place I’ve ever truly called my home-
TRITON: I’m the one who’s at fault, Ariel. Cursing humans, when all along-
There’s goodness in people, Daddy. I know. I’ve seen it.
TRITON: You belong to his world now.
Thank you, Daddy. Thank you so much.