Act 2 Flashcards
Instead of returning home, where does Romeo go after the ball?
After the ball, Romeo goes over the wall and into the Capulet orchard.
By whose name does Mercutio call for Romeo?
Mercutio keeps calling for Romeo in Rosaline’s name.
How does Romeo learn of Juliet’s love for him?
He overhears Juliet speaking of her love for him when she thinks she is alone.
What does Romeo say helped him climb over the high walls of the Capulet orchard
and find Juliet’s window?
Love, which gave him wings, helped him over the wall and made it possible for him to
find her balcony.
What do Romeo and Juliet exchange?
Romeo and Juliet exchange vows of love.
What do Romeo and Juliet plan to do the next day?
Romeo and Juliet plan to be married the next day.
To what does Romeo compare Juliet’s beauty?
Romeo compares Juliet’s beauty to brightness, warmth, and light. (The brightness of her cheeks would outshine the stars the way the sun outshines a lamp, etc.)
Who keeps interrupting the balcony scene?
The Nurse keeps interrupting the balcony scene.
Why does Juliet ask Romeo not to swear by the moon?
Juliet asks Romeo not to swear his love on the moon because the moon appears to
change in size as it orbits the earth, suggesting that it is fickle.
What is Friar Laurence’s special skill or area of knowledge?
Friar Laurence’s special skill is in making medicines and potions from herbs.
With what does Friar Laurence compare the beneficial and poisonous parts of the
Friar Laurence compares the beneficial and poisonous parts of a plant to the good and
evil within a man.
About what does the Friar caution Romeo?
Not to marry so fast; not to take things so hastily.
Why does the Friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
The Friar believes that by marrying the two lovers, he will end the feud between the
Capulets and the Montagues and thus, will better his reputation and go higher in the church.
Who has sent Romeo a challenge for a duel?
Tybalt has sent Romeo a challenge for a duel. He is angry that Romeo came to the ball
uninvited and was allowed to remain.
What excuse is Juliet to give for going to Friar Laurence’s cell?
Juliet is going to get permission to go to Friar Laurence’s cell by saying that she needs
to go to shrift, or confession.
Where are Romeo and Juliet to be married?
Romeo and Juliet are to be married in Friar Laurence’s cell.
Who teases Romeo about Rosaline and his love-sickness?
Mercutio, Romeo’s friend, teases him about Rosaline and his love-sickness.
Who teases the Nurse and causes her to become crass?
Mercutio teases the Nurse and causes her to become angry.
How does Romeo plan to get into Juliet’s window?
Romeo has given the Nurse a rope ladder in order that he might climb into Juliet’s
window later that night.
At what time did Juliet send the Nurse to see Romeo and find out the wedding plans?
Juliet sent the Nurse at nine o’clock in the morning to find out the wedding news from
How long has Juliet been waiting for the Nurse to return with the news from Romeo?
Juliet has been waiting three hours for the Nurse to return with the news.
How does the Nurse react when she finally returns?
The Nurse claims to be tired from her journey and prolongs telling her the news.
How does the Nurse feel about the marriage?
The Nurse is in favor of the marriage and feels that Romeo is handsome as well as
What is the Friar afraid of?
The Friar is afraid that both lovers are acting too hastily.
The friar warns Romeo again about something. What is it?
The Friar warns Romeo again about acting too hastily.
How much do the lovers say their love has grown?
The lovers say that their love has grown to such an extent that it cannot be counted.
How many people know of the marriage?
Four main characters know of the marriage. Romeo and Juliet, of course, are aware;
but also the Nurse and Friar Laurence have become accomplices in the affair.
Where does the marriage take place?
The marriage takes place in Friar Laurence’s cell or chapel.
What is another name for the Friar?
Friar Laurence is also referred to as the ghostly confessor.