Act 2 Flashcards
Cassio: ‘O let the heavens give him defence against the elements,…’
Cassio: ‘O let the heavens give him defence against the elements, for I have lost him
on a dangerous sea.’
Cassio: ‘O, behold the riches of the ship…’
Cassio: ‘O, behold the riches of the ship is come on shore!’
lago: ‘You rise to play and…’
lago: ‘You rise to play and go to bed to work’
Desdemona: ‘I am not merry,..’
Desdemona: ‘I am not merry, but I do beguile’
lago: ‘With a little web as this will I ensnare…’
lago: ‘With a little web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio.’
Othello: ‘My soul hath her…’
Othello: ‘My soul hath her content so absolute.’
lago: ‘As honest…’
lago: ‘As honest as I am.’
Othello: ‘Honey, you shall be…’
Othello: ‘Honey, you shall be well desir’d in Cyprus.’
lago: ‘Her eye must be fed. And what delight…’
lago: ‘Her eye must be fed. And what delight will she have to look on the devil?’
lago (about Cassio): a knave very voluble…’
lago (about Cassio): a knave very voluble…a devilish knave’
lago: ‘will I cause these of…’
lago: ‘will I cause these of Cyprus mutiny!’
lago: ‘For that I do suspect the lusty Moor…’
lago: ‘For that I do suspect the lusty Moor hath leap’d into my seat!’
lago: ‘Wife for…’
lago: ‘Wife for wife.’
lago: ‘Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor at least into a jealousy…’
lago: ‘Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor at least into a jealousy so strong that judgement cannot cure.
lago: ‘Make the Moor thank me,…’
lago: ‘Make the Moor thank me, love me, reward me.’
Herald: ‘for besides these beneficial news,..’
Herald: for besides these beneficial news, it is the celebration of his nuptial’(A2S2)
Othello: ‘Iago is most…’
Othello: ‘lago is most honest.’
lago: ‘What man! Tis a night of revels;…’
lago: ‘What man! Tis a night of revels; the gallants desire it.’
lago: ‘I fear the trust Othello puts him in, on some odd time…’
lago: ‘I fear the trust Othello puts him in, on some odd time of his infirmity, will shake this island’
Othello: ‘And passion having my best judgement collied,..’
Othello: ‘And passion having my best judgement collied, assays to lead the way!’
Othello: ‘And passion having my best judgement collied,..’
Othello: ‘And passion having my best judgement collied, assays to lead the way.’
Cassio: ‘Reputation, reputation, reputation…i have lost the…’
Cassio: ‘Reputation, reputation, reputation…i have lost the immortal part of myself,
and what remains is bestial.!’
lago: ‘as one would beat his offenceless…’
lago: ‘as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion.’
Cassio: ‘let us call thee…’
Cassio: ‘let us call thee (wine) devil!’
Cassio: ‘O God, that men should put an enemy into their…’
Cassio: ‘O God, that men should put an enemy into their mouths to steal away their brains!’
Cassio: ‘That we should with joy…’
Cassio: ‘That we should with joy…transform ourselves into beasts.’
Cassio: ‘It hath pleased the devil drunkenness…’
Cassio: ‘It hath pleased the devil drunkenness to give place to the devil wrath.’
lago: ‘good wine is a…’
lago: ‘good wine is a familiar creature.’
lago: ‘Our general’s wife is now…’
lago: ‘Our general’s wife is now the general!’
lago: ‘When the devil’s blackest sins put on, they do suggest at…’
lago: ‘When the devil’s blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows as I do now.’
lago: ‘I’Il pour pestilence…’
lago: ‘I’ll pour pestilence into his ear’
lago: ‘And out of her own goodness make the net…’
lago: ‘And out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all’