ACT Flashcards
What is it ACTually about?
ACT is, at its core, a behavioural therapy
The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life
Symptom reduction is not the goal, but it is a common by- product
ACT: Transdiagnostic Model
ACT is focussed on common core processes known to underlie different psychopathologies
Some Anomalies in the CBT literature
- Treatment component studies typically show that cognitive interventions (e.g., cognitive restructuring) do not add much value
- CBT treatments are often associated with rapid symptom improvement before the introduction of specific cognitive interventions
- Lack of data to show that specific cognitive interventions mediate (statistically explain) the improvement brought about by CBT
Functional Contextualism
It’s a a philosophy of science
• No feeling, thought, or memory is problematic, dysfunctional, pathological
Applied Behaviour Analysis
An approach to predicting and influencing behaviour
Antecedents, Behaviour, Consequences
Relational Frame Theory
Human’s have a unique ability to use language to relate stimuli to one another without direct experience with the stimulus
The ACT Hexaflex
Contact with the Present Moment Acceptance Defusion Self-as-context Committed Action Values
Contact with the Present Moment
Flexibly paying attention to our experience in the present moment
- Give the client a rationale and ask if they are willing to practice (usually with eyes closed)
- Then ask the client to shift their attention to something in the present moment
- E.g., monitoring sensations of breath intake and release; mentally scanning bodily sensations; focussing on 5-senses, one-at-a-time
- Normalise getting entangled in thoughts, returning
Opening up’ and ‘making room for’ unwanted private experiences
- Paradoxical effects of thought suppression
‘Don’t Think of the White Bear’
‘Step back’ (separate, distance self) from thoughts, images, memories etc.
Naming the Mind
Soldiers on Parade’ intervention
Two parts to the mind: (1) the part that thinks; (2) the part that notices (Self-as-context)
Desired qualities of physical or psychological action
Committed Action
Goal setting, action planning, problem-solving, Behavioural activation, exposure principles, Social skills training, assertiveness training, crisis-coping skills
Psychometric Measurement
Standard symptom measures
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II)
Youth ACT model:
DNA-V Discoverer Adviser Noticer Values compass in centre