Act 1 - Scene 6 Flashcards
Here’s the key, boys!
My father. He’s in trouble.
And ringing.
Don’t ask me about that.
Lay off, Prentiss. C’mon, you have to tell.
All right, listen. My father is going to Rundoon on a secret mission for the Queen.
Molly! Where are you, girl?
Ssssh! Down this gangway, and keep it quiet!
Tell me again, what was it called, what we ate?
Pork chops, pork salad and pork belly pie.
Greatest night of my life!
Sssshhh! There’s more tomorrow if we don’t get caught.
Her neck-thing-
No, it’s coming from someplace else.
Behind this door.
Get away, Boy! Don’t open that cabin!
-and that cabin is definitely glowing.
Glowing- ringing- flying. It can only mean one thing! Starstuff! The Queen’s trunk is in Slank’s cabin! Okay, nothing to see here, move along.
But that cat was-
No it wasn’t.
Your neck thing was ringing and Slank’s cat was totally fly-
Hey- y’know what’d be fun? Howzabout a bedtime story?
What’s that?
Oh, ha-ha, very amus- omigosh- you poor things. You’ve never had a bedtime story?
Hard to have a bedtime when you don’t have a bed.
Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean to-
So, bedtime stories? Not a big priority, okay?
No, it’s not okay. I’m giving you one. It’s a gift. Least I could do. Like, um- Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty’s a good one. You’ll like it. There’s a kiss in it. True Love’s Kiss.
Yeah! I don’t know what that is.
Then I’ll tell you. C’mon, back to your cabin and I’ll be Mother. Now- the story of Sleeping Beauty. “Once upon a time”- that’s how they always start- “Once upon a time, a beautiful baby was born…”