act 1 scene 3 Flashcards
good sabbath children
good sabbath papa
i am really a good teacher… a very good teaxher
i heard once, the rabbi who must praise himself has a congregation of one
papa isn’t up yet?
no mama
call em when papa gets up
that was a very interesting lesson perchik
do you think so?
although i don’t know if the rabbi would agree with your interpretation
and neither i suppose would the rabbis son
my little sisters have big tongues
and what do you know about him except that he’s the rabbis son? would you be interested in him if he were the shoemakers son or the tinsmiths son?
at least i know this. he does not have any strange ideas about turning the world upside down
certainly. any new idea would be strange to you. remember, the lord said, “let there be light”
yes but he was not talking to you personally
you have spirit. even a little intelligence perhaps
thank you.
but what good is your brain? without curiosity it is a rusty tool. good day hodel
we have an old custom here. a boy acts respectfully to a girl. but of course that is too traditional for an advanced thinker like you.
our traditions! nothing must change! everything is perfect exactly the way it is!
we like our ways
… boys and girls must not touch, should not even look at each other
i am looking at you!
…they hold hands together, they even dance together… new dances like this. i learned it in kiev… do you like it?
it’s very nice
there. we’ve just changed an old custom
yes well, you’re welcome. - i mean thank you. - i mean good day
bielke, shprintze, what’s your name?
hodel papa
where is tzeitel
she’s in the barn