Act 1 Scene 3 Flashcards
What is weather in scene 3 and it’s importance?
Thunder - witches linked to bad weather and witches planned to meet with thunder
What does witch 2 say they have been doing in scene 3?
“Killing swine”
How are the witches presented as evil in the beginning of scene 3?
“I’ll give thee a wind.”
“And the very ports they blow.” - discussing causing a shipwreck - Angus Sampson and James 1
“Weïrd sisters” - supernatural, mystic
What is Macbeth’s first line and it’s relevance?
“So foul and fair a day I have not seen.” - immediately linked to witches - weather hath been foul but the fighting had been successful
Iambic pentameter - characters of nobility
What does Banquo say when he sees the witches and it’s effects?
“You should be woman, // And yet your beards forgive me to interpret // That you are so.” - subverting the norm - app vs reality - men played woman - outcasts in society
How are the witches dehumanised by Macbeth in scene 3?
“Speak if you can; what are you?”
What are the witches first prophecies?
“All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis? …. Thane if Cawdor. All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter.”
Tripling+repetition - emphasising the key part these will play
How do Macbeth and Banquo respond to the witches immediately?
Believe them
Macbeth fears this and Banquo wants to know more
Banquo “why do you start and seem to fear”
“Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear// Your favours nor your hate.” - opposite to Macbeth
What are the second set of peripheries in scene 3?
“Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.
Not so happy, yet much happier.
Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. “
What does Macbeth command to witches after phrophecies to Banquo?
“Speak, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.” (confused need explaining)
“Speak, I charge you.” - imperatives (commanding)
How do the witches exit Scene 3 and its relivance?
Stage directions - witches vanish
FORM - different productions stage this using different things
convectional belief and adds to the allusion of supernatural
What line in scene 3 by Banquo forewarns the audience the impact of Macbeth acting on witches phrophecies, and what’s it’s meaning?
“Or have we eaten on the insane root// That takes the reason prisoner?” - have we played on what causes madness and takes a person as a prisoner? - personified metaphor
What lines do Macbeth and Banquo exchange after witches phrophecies?
“Your children shall be kings.
You shall be king.”
- modal auxillary - certainty - believe in witches being ability to phrophitise
Why is it structurally significant that Ross enters in the scene Macbeth is contemplating how he could be come Thane of Cawdor?
Dramatic irony - audience already know “with his former title greet Macbeth” - proves witches phrophecies
How id Macbeth greeted with title?
pleasantries to Macbeth
Angus: “ sent// to give thee from our royal masters thanks,”
Ross - “call thee Thane of Cawdor… hail most worthy thane”
- emphasis through parenthesis - ironic due to rest of play - or in comparison to prior Thane - reward - deserves it/earned it- witches phrophecies
What is said about treason to Macbeth by Angus wich is ironc and forewarns?
“treasons capital, confessed and proved” - treason taken very seriously
What does Banquo in scene 3 say the witches do?
“oftentimes, towin us to our harm,//The instruments of darkkness tell us truths; //Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s // In deepest consequences.”
often to bring about our damnation, the agents of evil tell us simple truths to make us trust them, then they can deceive us in important matters
In the aside in scene 3 say about the witches and techniques used?
“Two truths are told,// As happy prologues to the swelling act,// O the imperial theme.” - witches said 2 truths, which anticipates a might drama on kingship - dental allit emphaises ambition and hunger - meta theatre - not real + inevitability of drama - facts on The Chronicles of Scotland have been changed - kingship to adhere to James
“This supernatural solicing// cannot be ill, cannot be good. - sybillance evil of ambtion - persuasion by supernatural - juxtaposition paradoxical
What punctuational point shows macbeths conflicted mind in scene 3?
Rhetorical questions
What is Macbeth’s refrance to disrupting natural order through regocide in scene 3?
“Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair// And make my seated heart knock at my ribs// Against the use of nature?” - personification
“whose murder is yet but fanatastical, //Shakes so my single state of man” -