Act 1 Scene 2 - 2A Flashcards
But with youthful
And guileless spirit I will plant mine ear -
Right here.
I bid thee HALT and peel thy earlobe
From my stainless daughter!
As moisture to
The corn, the ewes with young, ye blowzy old
Beldame, thy bellows for the gods to ope!
What was that? His speech doth scissor hearing.
When unnerved, he speaks in the shepherd’s tongue.
Doth not Thy flock in an adjacent meadow
Repose? Young rustic, shepherd not my lamb
But tend to thine own precious livelihood!
Be not a two-fisted Jenny heifer.
So harshly you abuse my childhood friend!
‘‘Twas a mistake to keep you close together,
Tomboy twins, a doubled nut in the same shell.
For now his eyes do kindle with romance.
You cannot wed beneath your station.
Custom —
You mean father —
Won’t —
Permit it?
How hap’t it he became so unyielding?
It comes with the crown, I think. And offspring.
Too many turns of the hourglass make
Us forget the unscripted pleasures of
Free-feeling youth and doth render us all
Conservative in thought and policy.
If so fixèd remain his policies
Then would I remain a girl forever!
Such a ruckus from my sweet peacekeeper!
And on such a day too — the Tourney for
Your sister’s treasur’d hand begins post haste.
Her willful nature and her unrivall’d
Beauty a trying combination make.
(second time)
You do realize this is year five, child.
Such pressure contradicts consideration!
But hold — a Line Made of Concern just now
Took seed between my brows! I beg you, please,
dilapidate no further my Appearance!
Compose thyself and finish your toilette.
(in song, at the end of the second chorus w/ ensemble)
Divinest Pamela, I now reveal
This year’s parade of very virile men…
(end of song)
The blame for this disaster is yours, wife!
Your umbrage is unseemly, Basilius.
Lose its beat? Heresy! ‘Tis milk and meat!
‘Tis in our very bones! The bear we keep
Is what makes Arcadia Arcadia!
List. “No true paradise in place remains
Forever. If you cherish your people.
And family, and wish the beat to keep,
Avoid chaos and mass extinction, you’ll
Hasten to Delphi’s temple to hear my
“Chaos? Mass extinction?”
Go we note to thwart these portents most dire!
Dametas, prepare my portage.
Thy zeal, Gynecia,
I do appreciate, but the protection
Of a realm doth resideth with the Male.
Promise me to humble thyself before
This Pythio. Listen and heed for once.