Act 1 Scene 1 Flashcards
Quote showing Gloucester having not introduced his bastard son Edmond
Is not this your son my lord
Quote first introducing Lear and describing him as unpredictable and changeable
It appears not which of the duke he values most
Quotes showing how Gloucester has no respect for his illegitamate son and doesn’t favour him
Though this knave came something saucily into the world
There was good sport at his making
I cannot concieve you,Sir this young fellow’s mother could
Quote showing Gloucester having respect for his illegitamate son
I have a son,sir by order of law,some year elder than this,who is no yet dearer in my account
Quote at beginning showing Lear’s orders being carried out instantly
I shall,my lord
Quote showing what Lear wants for the rest of his life (connetations to babies)
Unburdened crawl towards death
Quote showing that Lear has divided the kingdom but then going back on this later
We have divided in three our kingdom
Which of you shall we say doth love us most
That we our largest bounty may extend
Quotes from Goneril showing her hyperbole
I do love you more than the word can wield the matter
Dearer than eyesight,space and liberty
Beyond what can be valued rich or rare
No less than life with grace,health,beauty honour
What are some quotes and features of Regans speech that show hyperbole
She comes too short
I profess myself an enemy to all other joys
I am alone felicitate in your dear highnesses love
Her speech is an extra 0.6 lines than Goneril’s
Quote showing how Lear loves Cordelia the most
Now our joy although our last and least
Quote showing the extent of Cordelia’s honest love for Lear using plosive ‘b’ sounds
You have begot me,bred me,loved me,I return those duties back as are right fit
How is Cordelia represented as a strong intelligent character
She mirrors Lear’s words,e.g Lear:“So young and untended” Cordelia:”So young my lord and true”
She is also fully honest and “cannot heave my heart into my heart”
Quote showing Lear’s hyperbolic response to Cordelia using alliteration throughout
For by the sacred radiance of the sun,
The mysteries of Hecate and the night,
By all the operation of the orbs
Quote showing Lear disowning Cordelia
I disclaim all my paternal care
Propinquity and property of blood
Quotes showing Lear viewing his own daughter Cordelia on the same level as his enemies
The barbarous Scythian
Or he that makes his generation messes to gorge his appetite
My sometime daughter
Key quote from Lear showing his anger and displaying him as a mythical creature
Come not between the dragon and his wrath
Quote showing Lear already having his downfall and losing authority after his actions towards Cordelia in direct contrast to Gloucester earlier
Call France.Who stirs?
Quote showing irony from Lear when viewing Cordelia’s marriage and who should marry her
Let pride,which she calls plainness,marry here
How is Lear feckless and idiotic in how he gives away his responsibilities
He gives up his own home and becomes entirely dependent on his daughters
Yet he wants to keep the name of King Lear without any of the responsibilities
Quote showing Kent’s view on Goneril and Regans words
Who’s low sounds reverb no hollowness
How does Kent show Lear what he is losing with his decisions
He mentions his titles he is losing,”king” “father” “master” “patron” and talks of Lear’s “duty”
Quotes showing Kent’s bravery in act 1 scene 1
“Let it fall rather,though the fork invade the region of my heart”
“When majesty falls to folly”
“See better,Lear”
Quotes showing Lear banishing Kent and failing to see him for what he is,merely sees him as body parts
“Turn thy hated back
upon our kingdom”
“Thy banished trunk be found in our dominions,
The moment is thy death”
What is the significance of the rhyming couplets used throughout the banishing of Kent
These usually signal the ending of a scene,yet the scene continues showing that it’s the end of Kent and the ‘end for Lear’
Quote showing Cordelia’s view on her sisters speech
Glib and oily art
Quote from Cordelia telling Lear he has no love if it’s dependent on other things
Love’s not love
When it is mingled with regards that stands
aloof from th’ entire point
Quote from Lear telling Cordelia that she will get nothing if she says nothing
Nothing shall come of nothing
Quote showing how something has ‘come of nothing’
Thy dowerless daughter,King,thrown to my chance
Is queen of us,of ours and our fair France
Quote that Cordelia leaves with showing her crying
The jewels of our father,with washed eyes
Cordelia leaves you
Quote showing Goneril pointing out why Cordelia has been banished
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