Act 1. Sc 2 Flashcards
Act 1 Sc 2 Macbeth viewed highly by captain
brave MacBeth – well he deserves that name
Act 1 Sc 2 Macbeth killed people with ease
Like Valour’s minion carv’d out his passage
Act 1 Sc 2 Violent description of Macbeths killings
Till he unseam’d him from the nave to th’chaps
And fixed his head upon our battlements
Act 1 Sc 2 Macbeth and Banquo being equal
Dismay’d not this our captains, MacBeth and Banquo?
Act 1 Sc 2 Biblical imagery compares Macbeth and Banquo to Jesus.
meant to bathe in reeking wounds
Or memorise another Golgotha
Act 1 Sc 2 Roman Goddess of destruction, metaphor for Macbeth
Bellona’s bridegroom
Duncan abalutly trusts Macbeth
he was a gentlemen on whom i had absolute trust