Act 1 quotations Flashcards
“Tush, never tell me…..”
“Tush, never tell me, I take it much unkindly That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse,” – Roderigo
Scene 1, first line of the play
Roderigo is referring to the money he has given Iago to help win over Desdemona. We later discover Iago to be taking advantage of Roderigo. Shakespeare opens the play with deceit, effective as it is a key theme.
“I know my….”
“I know my price” -Iago
Scene 1
Iago claims he knows his own worth, feels as though he deserved the promotion. Iago also feels as though he can judge the worth of others throughout the play.
“Stuffed with….”
“stuffed with epithets of war”- Iago
Scene 1
Iago is mocking Othello’s hyperbolic language
“mere prattle……”
“mere prattle without practice” – Iago
Scene 1
Iago claims Cassio does not have practical experience in the military
“Other grounds…..”
“Other grounds Christian and heathen”- Iago
Scene 1
Iago is referring to previous battles, heathens are any non-christians — religious semantics
“visages of…..”
“visages of duty ” - Iago
Scene 1
First appearance of ‘visages’, the word ‘visages’ is used repeatedly, linking with the theme of false appearances
“not I for….”
“not I for love and duty.” - Iago
Scene 1
Iago rejects love and duty, this can be contrasted with Desdemona’s beliefs.
“I am not…..”
“I am not what I am” - Iago
Scene 1
Iago is key in the theme of false appearances and deceit
“the thick….”
“the thick-lips owe”- Roderigo
Scene 1
Roderigo is using racial stereotypes to mock Othello, is this a sign of racism or of jealousy over Desdemona?
“plague him….”
“plague him with flies” – Iago
Scene 1
foreshadowing the Iago’s psychological torture of Othello, as well being a biblical reference to the plague of locusts in Exodus.
“An old black ram…..”
“An old black ram is tupping your white ewe.”- Iago
Scene 1
Animalistic imagery depersonalises Othello, as well as being another racial reference.
“The devil will…”
“The devil will make a grandsire of you”- Iago
Scene 1
more biblical imagery, was believed that witches would have sex with the devil, implicitly condemning Desdemona in his attempt to condemn Othello. Foreshadows how the effect he has on Othello causes Desdemona’s death.
“being full of….”
“being full of supper and distempering draughts”
- Brabantio
Brabantio’s criticism of Roderigo foreshadows the drunken fight in Cyprus outside the brothel that ends in Roderigo’s death.
“Making the beast…..”
“Barbary horse,” and “Making the beast with two backs”- Iago
Scene 1
more racism and animalistic imagery
“another of his…”
“another of his fathom”- Iago
Scene 1
fathom is the naval measurement for depth of sea, Iago is admitting that Othello has superior depth of knowledge when in comes to the military.
“Is there not charms by which….”
“Is there not charms by which the property of youth and maidhood may be abused?” – Brabantio
Scene 1
Brabantio believes Othello bewitched Desdemona in to agreeing to marry him.
“Nine or ten times….”
“Nine or ten times I had thought to yerked him here under the ribs”- Iago
Scene 2
previously to the quotation, Iago is claiming to find murder immoral, here Shakespeare is using dramatic irony, foreshadowing the deaths caused by Iago’s plan. The quotation is showing Iago’s duplicity as he claims to be angered by Brabantio’s criticism of Othello.
“that the magnifico is…”
“that the magnifico is much beloved”- Iago
Scene 2
Here Iago is denoting Brabantio’s status by calling him ‘magnifico’.
“When I know that….”
“When I know that boasting…” - Othello
Scene 2
Othello is being modest whilst also admitting he is of royal blood.
“My demerits/May….”
“My demerits/May speak unbonneted” - Othello
Scene 2
Othello claims his natural skills are on equal terms with the status he has achieved.
“By…(name of roman god)…”
“By Janus”- Iago
Scene 2
Iago is swearing by the roman god of beginnings, who was depicted with two faces, one looking forward and one looking back. There is dramatic irony in the way Iago swears by a deity with two faces, when he himself is a figure of duality.
“but that I love the gentle….”
“but that I love the gentle Desdemona…for the sea’s worth.” – Othello
Othello declaring the deep love he has for Desdemona
“Faith, he tonight hath….”
“Faith, he tonight hath boarded a land carrack” - Iago
Scene 2
Iago is referring to Othello’s marriage, land carrack has sexual connotations.
“You Roderigo?……”
“You Roderigo? Come, sir, I am for you.” – Iago
Scene 2
Another example of Iago’s duplicity as he pretends that Roderigo is an enemy and offers to fight him in defence of his master, Othello.