Act 1 Hamlet Flashcards
Occur at the end of a line of poetry
End Rhymes
Two rhyming words in the same line of poetry
Internal Rhymes
2 rhyming words that share consonant sounds only or vowel sounds only
Near Rhymes
Look similar, but don’t sound similar
Sight Rhymes
What significance does the reference to Cupid in Petrarchan’s Sonnet mean?
The reference to Cupid means signifies that he believes he has been shot with cupids arrow. He is infatuated with a woman that does not reciprocated his feelings
What legend is said to inspire Hamlet?
Norse Legend
Who is Seneca?
A roman poet that began the tradition of revenge tragedies
Name the 5 traits all revenge tragedies have
- Hero avenge someone’s death or an evil deed
- Scenes of death and mutilation
- Insanity or feigned insanity
- Sub-plays “play within a play”
- Violent death of the hero
What does Horatio mean when he alludes to Julius Caesar?
Horatio is referring to Julius Caesar because when he was assassinated, corpses rose out of their graves and walked through the streets of Rome just like what is happening currently in Denmark
Why is Denmark out of order?
Bronze cannons are being manufactured in Denmark, and so many weapons are being brought from aboard, and the ship builders are so busy they don’t rest on Sundays
Who is Laertes?
The son of Polonius and the brother of Hamlets girlfriend Ophelia
Double meaning/two sides
Joining the old with the new
Imperial Jointress (Gertrude)
What does the term unweeded garden symbolize
It represents the whole of Denmark since Claudius came into ruling. The garden is referring or alluding to the garden of Eden and everything was good in it until the snake (Claudius) entered the garden
When Hamlet says “I must hold my tongue” what does he mean?
He means that he can not do anything against Claudius because he is King and he is afraid he will kill him
What is the purpose of the letter Claudius sent to Fortinbras uncle?
To attempt to stop fortinbras because he can not disobey his uncle because he is in higher power than him. It is useless because his uncle can’t get out of bed to stop him
Deals with the role of women in literature
Feminist approach
3 stages of female identity:
Feminine- accepted role created by society/male authority
Feminist- rebel against or challenge male authority
Female- no concern for gender differences, society, concerns, male authority
Why doesn’t Marcellus and Horatio want Hamlet to follow the ghost?
They think it will tempt him to jump off a cliff into the sea or draw him into madness
How was Old Hamlet killed?
Claudius murdered him in his garden while he was asleep. He poured poison into his ear. He suffered while dying
How can the murder of Hamlet by outing poison in the ear be seen as a metaphor?
Claudius is pouring poison(lies) into the ears of the people. Which would mean He is a smiling villain becuase he killed hamlet but no one knows and everyone portrays him as a good King
Two characters that are exact opposites
Literary Foils
How are Young Hamlet and Old Hamlet literary foils?
Old Hamlet is powerful, well respected, and honourable while Hamlet has lack of understanding, lack of respect, and lost his power/control when his father died
How are Hamlet and Claudius literary foils?
They are both smiling villains but Hamlet hides his sadness and Claudius hides his evil
Who said “Now, sir, young Fortinbras, Of unimproved mettle hot and full, Hath in the skirts of Norway here and there Sharked up a list of lawless resolutes, For food and diet, to some enterprise That hath a stomach in ‘t, which is no other”
Horatio to Marcellus shows the situation Denmark is currently in adding to the list of things that is going on already