1.4 quotes on Wagner
Call me master Wagner
Bind yourself on to me/ turn all lice into familiars
1.4 quotes on Robin
tickle the pretty placket’s wenches
guilders/ gridirons
what is the purpose of 1.4?
Serves as comedic relief/bathos from the last scene to highlight Faustus’ flaws and foolishness
Analyse Wagner in 1.4
Wagner attempts to command Robin despite being a servant emphasises how he overrreaches his role and is hubristic / similar to how faustus attemots to threaten and appears superior to meph
analyse robin in 1.4
Robin shown to have base desires which don’t really matter due to his lower status - puts Faustus on the same level and equally as ignoble - undermines his scholarly status
analyse guilders/ gridrons
Robin undermines Wagner’s pride like how meph undermines Faustus’ control