Act 1 Flashcards
Henry: “She didn’t want anybody up there but Jane and Hannah.”
Ella: “But we’re her own children.”
(Jane Enters)
(Jane enters) I’m out to the drugstore. To get something for her.
Ella: “You ought to be.”
Henry: “If there’s any gratitude in the world.”
Yes. (Jane leaves)
Henry: “…leavin’ Ben out, of course. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”
(Jane Enters)
(Jane enter) I met Judge Bradford on the way.
Ella: “In the midst of life we are in death.”
Henry: “It’s our duty to hope so long as we can.”
Judge: “Yes, of course.”
I’ll take this right up. (Jane leaves)
Ella: “She’d cut him off, she said, the last time he disgraced us, and she’s a woman of her word.”
(Jane enters)
Judge: “Well Jane?”
No change. It’s…It’s pitiful, to see her like that.
(Loud door slam!)
Ella: “Someone’s here.”
Henry: “Who’s that out there? Who is it?”
I’m glad you’ve come, Ben.
Jane: “I’m glad you’ve come, Ben.”
Ben: “You are?”
Yes. Your mother is awful sick.
Jane: “Your mother is awful sick.”
Ben: “She’s alive?”
Ben: “She sent me word, to Bangor.”
Ella: “How’d you know where he was?”
I knew.
Ella: “Do mother tell you to…?”
Ben: “Of course she did!”
No, she didn’t.
Henry: “You sent your own money?”
Yes. As he said it wasn’t much, but I didn’t have much.
Jane: “…I didn’t have much.”
Ben: “Why’d you do it?”
I knew she was going to die; twice I asked her if she wanted to see you, and she said no–
Henry: “And yet you sent for him?”
Jane: “Yes.”
Henry: “Why?”
He was the one she really wanted. I thought she’d die happier seeing him.
Ella: “You took a lot on yourself, didn’t you?”
Yes. She’s been a lonely old woman. I hated to think of her there, in the churchyard, hungry for him.
Jane: “…hungry for him.”
Ben: “I’ll go to her.”
It’s too late. She wouldn’t know you.
Henry: “…No, the Jordans won’t ever be the same.”
Judge: “Will you let me help you, Jane?”
Hannah and I can attend to everything. Henry! You might come over for a minute this evening and we can talk things over. I’ll make the bed up in your old room, Ben, if you want to stay.
Ella: “You tell her now or I will.”
Tell me what?
Henry: “…and we’d be willing to help you till you found a place somewheres.”
You can’t help me, any of you. Of course now she’s dead, I’ll go. I’ll be glad to go.
Jane: “I’ll be glad to go.”
Ella: “Glad!”
I hate you, the whole raft of you! I’ll be glad to get away from you . She was the only one of you worth loving, and she didn’t want it!
Judge: “Yes, everything–your mother’s whole estate.”
That can’t be, Judge, you must be wrong. It’s a mistake.
Judge: “…It’s been over a year since the Grand Jury indicted you for arson.”
Ben: “You mean you’ll give me up?”
You won’t do that, Judge; you’re here as her friend.
Judge: “No, but if it’s known he’s here, I couldn’t save him. And it’s bound to be known.”
Were you careful coming?
Ben: “…All I know is one thing,–when they put her into her grave, her sons and daughter are goin’ to be standing there, like the Jordans always do.”
Hannah will have your room ready by now. There are some clean shirts and things that were your father’s; I’ll bring them to you.
Ben: “Can I go up there, just a minute?”
To your mother?
Jane: “To your mother?”
Ben: “Yes.”
If you want to.
Jane: “If you want to.”
Ben: “I do.”
Yes, you can go.
Judge: “She was a grim old woman Jane.”
I think I could have loved her, but she didn’t want it.
Judge: “And yet she left you everything.”
I don’t understand.
Judge: “There was more kindness in her heart than most people gave her credit for.”
It’s been a hard week, Judge.
Hannah: “He’s armed. Says Ben better not be foolish!”
He’ll go with Mr. Jay. He won’t resist.
Ben: “I thought I’d get to go to her funeral anyway, before they got to me.”
I’m a rich woman, you said just now. Could I give bail for him?
Ben: “You’re going to hear a lot about how much folks love you, but you ain’t goin’ to hear it from me!”
Why did you come here, Ben? When I wrote you she was dying.
Ben: “Why did I come?”
Was it because you loved her? Because you wanted to ask her to forgive you before she died? Or was it because you wanted to get something for yourself?
Ben: “How does a feller know why he does what he does?”
I’m just curious. You’ve got so much contempt for the rest, i was just wondering? You were wild, Ben, and hard, but you were honest. What brought you here?
Jane: “What brought you here?”
Ben: “The money.”
I thought so. Then when you saw her you were sorry, but even then the money was in your mind. Well, it’s mine now. And you’ve got to take your choice. You can do what I tell you, or you’ll go with Mr. Jay.
Ben: “No, wait. What is it you want?”
I want you to do as I say.
Jane: “I want you to do as I say.”
Ben: “I’ll do it.”
I thought so. Can you fix the bond up here?
Judge: “I’ll need a warrant from Jim.”
First, he’s got to swear, before you, to my conditions.
Ben: “What conditions?”
When will his trial be, Judge?
Judge: “Not before the spring term, I should think. Say early April?”
You’ll stay here till then, Ben; you won’t leave town! You’ll work the farm, there’s plenty to be done.
Ben: “I don’t know how to work a farm.”
I do. You’ll just do what I tell you.
Ben: “Be your servant? That’s what you mean, ain’t it?”
I’ve been that here for eight years.
Ben: “And now it’s your turn to get square on a Jordan!”
You’ll work for once, and work every day! The first day you don’t I’ll surrender you to the Judge and he’ll jail you. The rest of the Jordans will live as I tell them to live, or for the first time in any of their lives, they’ll live on what they earn. Don’t forget, Ben, that right now I’m the head of the family.