Act 1 Flashcards
What happens in Act 1 Scene 1?
- We are introduced to the 3 witches.
- An ominous atmosphere is created.
What was James I view of witches?
- Being a witch was punishable by death in 1600’s
- He wrote a book called Daemonolgie about them.
- Encountered dangerous storms on a journey to Denmark with wife, blamed it on witches. He though witchcraft was “high treason against God.”
What did The Jacobean audience believe witches could do?
- Fly
- Curse crops
- Cause infertility
- Communicate with demons
Why were witches killed?
- To reiforce patriarchal systems.
- The unwordly power that witches had was “high treason against God.”
How does Shakespare make the witches seem evil in the first scene?
- They use rhyming language - like that of a spell, a common fear of Jacobean audience.
What do the witches say about appearance vs reality in first scene?
“Fair is foul and foul is fair.”
What happens in Scene 2?
- Captain comes back from battle and describes how great Macbeth was.
- Duncan says that the previous Thane of Cawdor will be executed and Macbeth will be new Thane of Cawdor.
What did “Wryd” mean in old english?
- “Wyrd” meant fate.
Why was treason such a bad act in Jacobean times?
- Divine Right of Kings
- Believed monarchs were appointed by God.
- Sacrireligious to go against monarch.
What was The King’s Men?
- A theatre company that performed plays for The King.
Give 2 quotes about the description of Macbeth on the battlefield.
“brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name, disdaining fortune.”
“unseamed him from the naves to the chaps” (without hesitation.)
What does Macbeth moving through the battlefield to get to Macdonald suggest?
- This suggests that Macbeth is very ambitious and courageous.
- He wants to show his courage. For Macbeth courage is the essence of being a man.
What’s ironic about the fact that Duncan says he will not let anyone decieve him any more after The 1st Thane of Cawdor comitted treason?
- We learn from Macbeth’s **asides **in Act 1 Scene 3 that he is plotting a similar execution.
- Appearance vs reality
- Naivety of King Duncan
What happens in Scene 3?
- On the way back from battle, Macbeth and Banquo run into the witches; they say Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor and King, they tell Banquo his children will be Kings. Straight after, Ross informs Macbeth that he shall be Thane of Cawdor
- Macbeth has his first thought about killing King.
What line does Macbeth say that mirrors what the witches say?
What does this show?
“So fair and foul a day.”
Fair –> won battle
Foul –> weather
Shows the witches will have a big impact on Macbeth.
What does Banquo say about the witches at the end of Scene 3?
“Instruments of darkness tell us truths to betray us in deepest consequence.”
How is the motif of clothes started in scene 3?
Macbeth asks the witches:
“why do you dress me in borrowed robes” –> Thane of Cawdor still alive
What happens in Scene 4?
- Malcom becomes heir to the throne.
- Duncan is planning visit to Macbeth’s castle.
What does Duncan say about the Thane of Cawdor’s face in scene 4?
- “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face.”
- He fails to read what’s in The Thane of Cawdor’s face.
- Naievty of Duncan
How does Shakespeare present Duncan as a good King?
- He is fair
- Gives people what they deserve and shows praise.
- Ie. Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor.
What does Macbeth say in his aside in Scene 4?
“Let not light see my dark and deep desires.”
Religious imagery.
What happens in Scene 5?
- Lady Macbeth plans to kill King Duncan so that Macbeth can become King.
How has Macbeth changed about the way he speaks about killing Duncan in Scene 4?
His aside at end of scene
- No longer abstract and complex.
- Matter of factness.
How does Macbeth refer to Lady Macbeth, showing he respects her?
“my dearest partner of greatness.”
What does the evil- side of Lady Macbeth’s character show?
- The negative side- effects of treason
- The effects it has on a loving relationship.
- She is the reason Macbeth is a bad person
What are 2 interpretations about Lady Macbeth with her plan to kill Duncan?
1.) She is evil and is making Macbeth bad.
2.) Macbeth was on the road to downfall anyway, she is just helping him.
To what extent is Lady Macbeth seen as powerful….
- Scene 4: argue she isn’t powerful because she needs the help of spirits.
- BUT LATER… she is able to manipulate Macbeth.
What was the role of women in Jacobean England?
- They weren’t allowed on stage (misinterpretation!!)
- Wives were expected to be obedient to their husbands.
- Women in power was shocking: Elizabeth I
What is the name of the book that refers to Lady Macbeth as “wifely roles of hostess and helpmate? “
- A Woman’s Part –> feminist critism of Shakespeare.
How is there a link between witches and Lady Macbeth?
“Unsex me here, fill me up with the direst cruelty.”
- Witches have no gener.
- Some people will believe she is a 4th witch.
What is Lady Macbeth’s advice to Macbeth when she meets him in Scene 5?
“Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it.”
Appearance vs reality.
What happens in Scene 6?
- Duncan has arrived to Macbeth’s castle and greets Lady Macbeth.
How is Duncan seen as a good but naive King?
- He seems to enjoy the achievments of others, thanks people for their service
- He is clear, doesn’t hide anything (“so clear in his great office.”)
- Very polite around Lady Macbeth (“give me your hand.”)
- He is naive for trusting Macbeth, leads to his downfall.
What does Macbeth speak about in his “If it were done” soliloquy?
- Pros and cons of killing Duncan.
What reasons does Macbeth give to NOT kill King Duncan?
- Duncan is a great King “so clear in his great office.”
- Duncan is his guest.
- Return to plague him.
- He will go to hell: “jump the life to come.”
- His wickidness will be exposed
What 1 Reason does Macbeth give to kill Duncan?
- “Vaulting ambition which overleaps itself.”
- Overleaps: he knows his ambition will lead him to fall.
What is Macbeth’s harmatia, fatal flaw?
His ambition…
How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to kill Duncan after he changed his mind?
Scene 7….
“When thou durst do it, then you were a man.”
Masculinity is very important to Macbeth.
What reason does Macbeth give to his wife for not wanting to kill Duncan?
- Duncan has given him the title of Thane of Cawdor.
- He wants to enjoy that.
What was the famous act of treason that happened before Macbeth was published?
- The Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
- Catholic and Protestant tensions.
What is the purpose of Act 1?
- Show the plans of killing King Duncan.
- Increase tension as the death of Duncan is awaited.
Why is Macbeth willing to believe the wicthes?
- This is because they give Macbeth power.
- They give him truths that he values
- Supernatural have control as Macbeth allows it.
- Banquo choses not to believe “the instruments of darkness.”