Act 1 Flashcards
Witches: When shall we three
meet again?
In thunder, lightning or in rain?’ 1.1
Captain: ‘his brandished steel, which
smoked with bloody execution’ 1.2
Captain: ‘Like valour’s
minion carved out his passage’ 1.2
Duncan: ‘O valiant
cousin, worthy gentleman’ 1.2
Macbeth: ‘stay you imperfect
speakers. Tell me more.’ 1.3
Banquo: ‘The earth hath
bubbles, as the water has,
And these are of them’ 1.3
Macbeth: ‘Whose horrid image doth
unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs’ 1.3
Macbeth: ‘Stars, hide your
fires, let not light see my black and deep desires’ 1.4
Lady Macbeth: ‘Art not without
ambition, but without
the illness that should attend it.’ 1.5
Lady Macbeth: Pour my
spirits in thine ear’ 1.5
Lady Macbeth:’The raven himself
is hoarse’ 1.5
Lady Macbeth: ‘take my milk for
gall, you murd’ring ministers’1.5
Lady Macbeth: Look like th’innocent
flower, but be the serpent under’t’ 1.5
Lady Macbeth: ‘All our service,
in every point twice done and then done double’ 1.6
Lady Macbeth: ‘was the hope
wherein you dressed yourself?’ 1.7
Macbeth: I have no spur,
to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition 1.7