Act 1 Flashcards
Iago being duplicitous
- “In following him, I follow but myself”
- “I am not what I am”
Animalistic imagery, reducing Othello merely to a hypersexual stereoptype
“An old black ram is tupping your white ewe”
Brabantio feeling that he has been deceived
“O treason of the blood” 1.1
Iago swearing to Roman 2 faced God
“By Janus” 1.2
Othello being respectful and noble. Self-assured and calm restraint
“Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them” 1.2
Duke respecting Othello
“Valliant Othello” 1.3
Ironic, as Othello is actually very composed and eloquent
“Rude am I in my speech” 1.3
Desdemona seeing Othello in heavenly light; fascination
“she wished that heaven had made her such a man” 1.3
Reason for Othello loving Desdemona
“She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her for she did pity them”
Othello letting Desdemona speak for herself
“Send for the lady (…) and let her speak of me before her father” 1.3
Desdemona being fascinated by Othello and listening to his stories
“with a greedy ear devour up my discourse”
Reason Des gives for marrying Othello
“I saw Othello’s visage in his mind” 1.3
Des being disobedient to her father and has a foreboding tone
“She has deceived her father and may thee” 1.3
Iago telling Roderigo that he is not in love but is just lustful
“that you call love, to be a sect or scion” 1.3
Iago thinks Othello cuckolded him
“It is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets He’s done my office” 1.3
Iago’s plan to feed O lies
“Abuse Othello’s ear” 1.3
Iago seeing Othello as too trusting
“A free and open nature”
Iago’s belief that there is nothing more powerful than an individual’s own will power
“Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners”
Iago seeing money synonymous to love
“put money in thy purse”
Othello again letting Desdeomna speak
“Let her have your voice” 1.3
Othello arguing that he is in love with her mind
“But to be free and bounteous to her mind” 1.3
Iago racism about inter- racial marriages
“You’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse” 1.1
Brabantio’s view of Des elopement
“gross revolt” 1.1