ACS and hypertension Flashcards
What are the signs and symptoms of ACS?
Signs: distress, anxiety, pallor, sweatiness, low grade fever, signs of heart failure (raised JVP, basal crepitations, 3rd heart sound)
Symptoms: acute central crushing chest pain lasting >20 minutes, nausea, sweating, dyspnoea, palpitations
What can cause false positive elevation of hs-TnI, meaning the patient is not having an MI?
Common: advanced renal failure, PE, CPR, ablation therapy
Less common: severe congestive heart failure, myocarditis, prolonged tachyarrhythmia
Rare: aortic dissection, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, malignancy, stroke, severe sepsis
What are the sequential ECG changes following an MI?
Within hours: ST elevation and hyperacute T waves or LBBB
24 hrs: T wave inversion, ST normal
Few days: pathological Q waves that persist
What is T wave pseudonormalisation?
NSTEMIs often have T wave inversion that represents reperfusion of the area
On repeat ECG T waves may appear back to normal after firstly being inverted but this just means the artery is reoccluded
Apart from an ECG and cardiac enzymes, what other investigations should you carry out for a patient who presents with cardiac chest pain ?MI?
CXR: look for cardiomegaly, pleural effusion, widened mediastinum
Bloods: FBC, U+Es, random glucose, lipid profile, HbA1c, cardiac enzymes (2 tests 3 hours apart)
ECHO: regional wall abnormalities
What are some differential diagnoses for ACS?
Stable angina
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Oesophageal spasm/reflux
MSK pain
What are some contraindications for treating a STEMI with thrombolysis?
Previous intracranial haemorraghe
Ischaemic stroke <6months ago
Recent major head trauma/surgery
Known bleeding disorders
Liver biopsy or LP in past 24 hours
GI bleeding
Cerebral malignancy
What blood tests are essential for a patient with a STEMI?
Cardiac enzymes (TropI)
Lipid profile
Random blood glucose
What medications are patients started on after an MI and for how long?
- Aspirin 75mg for life
- Ticagrelor (or another antiplatelet e.g Clopidogrel/Prasugrel) for 12 months
- ACEi or ARB for hypertension (checking renal function)
- Beta-blocker to lower heart rate (e.g Bisoprolol)
- Statin (e.g atorvastatin 80mg or rosuvastatin 5mg). Use ezetimibe if all statins have side effects
ATABS (also consider PPI for gastric protection with antiplatlets)
What are some complications of a STEMI and how are they managed?
- Heart failure: diuretics e.g Epleronone
- Cardiogenic shock: need inotropes and balloon pumps]
- Valve damage e.g Mitral Regurg: may present with pulmonary oedema, needs valve replacement
- Ventricular Septal Defect: pansystolic murmur that is diagnosed on ECHO and needs surgery
- Pericarditis: give NSAIDs
What are some associated symptoms with angina if it is severe, and what symptoms make the diagnosis of angina less likely?
Associated symptoms: fear, sweating, nausea, dyspnea
Less likely to be angina: pain that is continuous, pleuritic or worse with swallowing, palpitations, dizziness, tingling
Apart from exercise, what are some other things that can precipitate angina?
Cold weather
Heavy meals
Angina is usually due to atheromas in the coronary arteries (coronary artery disease). What are some other conditions that can cause symptoms of angina in the absence of coronary artery disease?
Aortic stenois
Hypertensive heart disease
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Patients who have angina like pain are scored based on their estimated likelihood of CAD. What investigations should you offer for different likelihood scores?
- 61-90%: Invasive coronary angiography
- 30-60%: Functional imaging e.g stress MRI, echo or myoview
- 10-29%: CT calcium scoring. If zero likelihood is minimal. If 1-400 consider CTCA or stress perfusion imaging. If >400 CTCA
How do the following drugs act as anti-anginal medicine and when are they used?
Used 1st line as monotherapy if CCB and BB contraindicated or used in conjunction with one of them as 2nd line
Nicorandil: K+ channel activator. Can’t use in pulomary oedema or hypotension
Ivabradine: Reduces HR without lowering BP by blocking sinus node. Do not give if HR<70 or not in sinus rhythm, and do not coprescribe with CCB
Ranolazine: Inhibits late Na current. Caution in heary failure, elderly, <60kg, eGFR<30