ACS Flashcards
Ground Reference Maneuvers
- Clear the area.
- Select a suitable ground reference area, line, or point as appropriate.
- Plan the maneuver:
- Enter perpendicular to the selected reference line, 600 to 1,000 feet AGL at an appropriate distance from the selected reference area.
- Apply adequate wind-drift correction during straight and turning flight to maintain a constant ground track around a rectangular reference area, or to maintain a constant radius turn on each side of a selected reference line or point.
- If performing S-Turns, reverse the turn directly over the selected reference line; if performing turns around a point, complete turns in either direction, as specified by the evaluator.
- Divide attention between airplane control, traffic avoidance and the ground track while maintaining coordinated flight.
- Maintain altitude ±100 feet; maintain airspeed ±10 knots.
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Rectangular Course
-Clear the area.
-Select a suitable ground reference area, line, or point as appropriate.
-Plan the maneuver:
-Enter a left or right pattern, 600 to 1,000 feet above ground level
(AGL) at an appropriate distance from the selected reference area, 45° to the downwind leg.
-Apply adequate wind-drift correction during straight and turning flight to maintain a constant ground track around a rectangular reference area, or to maintain a constant radius turn on each side of a selected reference line or point.
-If performing S-Turns, reverse the turn directly over the selected reference line; if performing turns around a point, complete turns in either direction, as specified by the evaluator.
-Divide attention between airplane control, traffic avoidance and the ground track while maintaining coordinated flight.
-Maintain altitude ±100 feet; maintain airspeed ±10 knots.
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Turns Around A Point
-Clear the area.
-Select a suitable ground reference area, line, or point as appropriate.
-Plan the maneuver:
-Enter at an appropriate distance from the reference point, 600
to 1,000 feet AGL at an appropriate distance from the selected reference area.
-Apply adequate wind-drift correction during straight and turning flight to maintain a constant ground track around a rectangular reference area, or to maintain a constant radius turn on each side of a selected reference line or point.
-If performing S-Turns, reverse the turn directly over the selected reference line; if performing turns around a point, complete turns in either direction, as specified by the evaluator.
-Divide attention between airplane control, traffic avoidance and the ground track while maintaining coordinated flight.
-Maintain altitude ±100 feet; maintain airspeed ±10 knots.
Steep Turns
- Clear the Area
- Establish airspeed
- Roll into a coordinated 360 degree steep turn with approximately a 45 degree bank
- Perform the task in the opposite direction
- Maintain the entry altitude +/- 100 feet, airspeed +/- 10 knots, bank +/- 5 degrees, and roll out on the entry heading +/- 10 deegrees