Acronyms/Acrostics Flashcards
What is the acronym for the model of social phobia?
Social (situations) Do/Not Seem So Awful
For what is Social (situations) Do Not Seem So Awful a model?
Social Phobia
Who developed the model for Social Phobia?
Wells (1997)
For what does Social (situations) Do/Not Seem So Awful stand?
Situation Danger/NAT Self-conscious processing Safety Behaviours Anxiety
What is the acronym for Panic Disorder?
For what is TTASMAS an acronym?
Panic Disorder
Who developed the model for panic disorder?
Wells (1997)
For what does TTASMAS stand?
Trigger Thought Affect Symptoms Misinterpretation Avoidance Safety Behaviours
For what is Every Second Time Norman Came All (over his) Beautiful Princess an acronym?
Health Anxiety
What is the acrostic for health anxiety?
Every Second Time Norman Came All (over his) Beautiful Princess
For what does Every Second Time Norman Came All (over his) Beautiful Princess stand?
Experience Schema Trigger NAT Cognition Affect Behaviour Physiological change
Who developed the model for health anxiety?
Warwick and Salkovskis (1990)
What is the acrostic for OCD?
Thom Is Awfully Nice As Compared (to) Sam
For what is Thom Is Awfully Nice As Compared (to) Sam an acrostic?
For what does Thom Is Awfully Nice As Compared (to) Sam stand?
Trigger Intrusion Appraisal Neutralisation Anxiety Control Salience
Who developed the model for OCD?
Clark (2004)
For what is Silly Daddy Likes Books ‘Cause Reading Makes Life Seem Pleasurable an acrostic?
Eating Disorders
For what does Silly Daddy Likes Books ‘Cause Reading Makes Life Seem Pleasurable stand?
Self-esteem Dieting Low weight Binge Compensatory behaviours
Mood intolerance
Low self esteem
What is the acrostic for eating disorders?
Silly Daddy Likes Books ‘Cause Reading Makes Life Seem Pleasurable
Who developed the model for eating disorders?
Fairburn et al. (2003)
What is the acrostic for PTSD?
Men All Think They Are Superior
For what does Men All Think They Are Superior stand?
Memory Appraisal Trigger Threat Avoidance Safety Behaviours
For what is Men All Think They Are Superior the acrostic?
Who developed the model for PTSD?
Ehlers and Clark (2000)
What is the acrostic for GAD?
Some Worriers Will Always Avoid Problem orienting
For what does Some Worriers Will Always Avoid Problem Orienting stand?
Situation What if...??? Worry Anxiety Avoidance Poor Problem Orientation
For what is Some Worriers Will Always Avoid Problem Orienting the acrostic?
Who developed the model of GAD?
Dugas et al. (1998)
Who set out a model and treatment for Specific Phobia?
Hood and Antony (2012)
What is the acrostic for suicidal behaviour?
Some Virgins Sometimes Have Fun In Abbeys
For what is Some Virgins Sometimes Have Fun In Abbeys the acrostic?
Suicidal Behaviour
For what does Some Virgins Sometimes Have Fun In Abbeys stand?
Stress Vulnerability Schema Hopelessness Fixation Ideation Attempt
Who developed the model for suicidal behaviour?
Wenzel et al. (2009)
What is the model of adjustment acrostic?
Sometimes Provision Adjustment Contradicts Crisis, Reconstruction and Recovery
For what is Sometimes Provisional Adjustment Contradicts Crisis, Reconstruction and Recovery an acrostic?
For what does Sometimes Provisional Adjustment Contradicts Crisis, Reconstruction and Recovery stand?
Shock Provisional Adjustment Inner Contradictions Inner Crisis Reconstruction and Recovery
Who developed the model of adjustment?
Hopson and Adams (1976)
What is the acrostic for the cognitive model of psychosis?
Vulnerable Teenagers Eat Caterpillars And Play Mozart
For what is Vulnerable Teenagers Eat Caterpillars And Play Mozart an acrostic?
For what does Vulnerable Teenagers Eat Caterpillars And Play Mozart stand?
Vulnerability (bio-psycho-social) Trigger Emotional Change Cognitive dysfunction Appraisal Positive symptoms Maintenance
Who developed the model of psychosis?
Garety et al. (2001)
What is the acronym for Laidlaw’s model of CBT for older adults?
Charlie Constantly Rolls Heading Comfortably (towards) Grandma
For what does Charlie Constantly Rolls Heading Comfortably (towards) Grandma stand?
Compensatory strategies Context Role Investment Health status Cohort beliefs Generational links
For what is Charlie Constantly Rolls Heading Comfortably (towards) Grandma the acronym?
Laidlaw’s (2009) model of CBT for older adults