Acronyms Flashcards
Nominal subject
A nominal subject (nsubj) is a non-clausal constituent in the subject position of an active verb.
Nominal subject (passive) A nominal passive subject (nsubjpass) is a non-clausal constituent in the subject position of a passive verb.
Clausal subject
A clausal subject (csubj) is a clause in the subject position of an active verb.
Clausal subject (passive) A clausal passive subject (csubjpass) is a clause in the subject position of a passive verb.
Agent An agent (agent) is the complement of a passive verb that is the surface subject of its active form.
Expletive An expletive (expl) is an existential there in the subject position.
Direct object
A direct object (dobj) is a noun phrase that is the accusative object of a (di)transitive verb.
Dative A dative (dative) is a nominal or prepositional object of dative-shifting verb.
Attribute An attribute (attr) is a noun phrase that is a non-VP predicate usually following a copula verb.
Object predicate
An object predicate (oprd) is a non-VP predicate in a small clause that functions like the predicate of an object.
Clausal complement
A clausal complement (ccomp) is a clause with an internal subject that modifies the head of an ADJP|ADVP|NML|NP|WHNP|VP|SINV|SQ.
Open clausal complement
An open clausal complement (xcomp) is a clause without an internal subject that modifies the head of an ADJP|ADVP|VP|SINV|SQ.
Adjectival complement
An adjectival complement (acomp) is an adjective phrase that modifies the head of a VP|SINV|SQ, that is usually a verb.
Appositional modifier
An appositional modifier (appos) of an NML|NP is a noun phrase immediately preceded by another noun phrase, which gives additional information to its preceding noun phrase.
Clausal modifier
A finite or non-finite clausal modifier (acl) is either an infinitival modifier is an infinitive clause or phrase that modifies the head of a noun phrase, or a participial modifier is a clause or phrase whose head is a verb in a participial form (e.g., gerund, past participle) that modifies the head of a noun phrase, or a complement.
Releative clause modifier
A relative clause modifier (relcl) is a either relative clause or a reduced relative clause that modifies the head of an NML|NP|WHNP.
Determiner A determiner (det) is a word token whose pos tag is DT|WDT|WP that modifies the head of a noun phrase.