Acronyms Flashcards
What does drtimed stand for
Right dose Right route Right time Right individual Right medication Right expiration date Right documentation
How to size up a sager splint
1.size to uninjured
3 .thigh strap
4.ankle strap
7. elevate
8. strap
Entenox Cautions
- Facial trauma
- Abdominal distension
- Drowsy drugs
- Shock
Prep Entenox
Chest oscillate Abdo palp Rights Pain scale Shake 3x the bottle to combine chem
Contraindications of nitro
- Systolic Bp <110mmHg
- Pulse outside of 50 to 150 bpm
- viagra 24 hours
- cialis 48 hours
- hypovolemic
- hypotension
- severe anemia
How do you apply nitro
.4 mg every 3-5 minutes
Spray under tongue
If it’s personal - check expiration date; name,
Reasons to give oral glucose
- Known or suspected hypoglycaemia
- altered level of consciousness
- coma or seiZure
How much oral glucose do you administer to a person with low glucose?
10-25 mg 100-250 ml of oral glucose or dextrose in 10% water
What does aspirin do
Prevents platelettes from clotting
When shouldn’t you take aspirin
- Allergic to aspirin or any other non steroidal anti inflammatory
- asthma
- recent head injury/stroke/acute bleeding
- paediatric patient with viral symptoms
How much aspirin do you give?
2x 80Mg baby aspirin chewed or 162mg regular .
Dispatch can refer another dose.
What are signs you need narcan
Reverse respiratory depression
What are the doses of narcan?
1st 0.4 mg
2nd 0.4 mg
3rd 0.8 mg
4th 2 mg
What must entenox be followed by
High flow o2
What does pearl mean
Pupils equal and reactive to light
Beards Older/ obesce Toothless Stiff lungs /strydor
Scene survey acronym
Hazards Environment Moi Number of patients Poe Additional resources
Primary survey includes
Sick or not sick (general impression)
Are their eyes tracking me
For airway or asa
Skin 02 Airway Asa Protocol-packing position I-interventions
Diabetic protocal:
stay on scene take vitals
Chest pain: ASA
What are you evaluating when in the ambulance
House 02 (bag to ambulance) ABC Meds,mother,muscle Pen and paper Suction on standby Temperature -crank heat Egress Radius depth
Secondary survey acronym and meanings ?
Chief complaint History of chief complaint Allergies Medications Past medical history Last oral intake Events leading up to chief complaint
What do you take for vitals?
LOC Skin Temp pupils (pearl) Pulse Blood pressure, Bgl. Breaths SpO2 level
What’s after chample in the secondary survey and what does it mean
Pain Position Quality Relief Radiate Severity Timing
Major trauma
If oxygen level on reader is low
Start from ten Lpm and go up from there
What does pms stand for
Pulse motor sensory
What does chample stand for and when do you use it ?
Chief complaint History of complaint Allergies Medications Past medical History Last oral intake Events leading up to
What does soapi stand for and when do you use it
After primary to double check critical
Skin O2 Airway management Protocol-packing position Interventions Rtc?
A E I I I T I Ps
Alcohol Epilepsy Insulin Od/ o2 Urimea urine in the blood Trauma Infection /icp (head injury) Poison Sepsis,seizure,stroke,shock
When does anaphylactic shock happen
When it affects 2 or more of the body’s system
What does MARCH stand for
-Massive hemorrhage – immediate treatment of life threatening bleeding;
-Airway with C-spine control – ensure airway patent, if not attempt to insert oPa, advanced airway or suction while protecting C-spine (LoC, d – rule out delicate spine and provide temporary stabilization);
-Respiration – check rate/ quality, if poor provide o2 +/- ventilatory support;
-Circulation – carotid, radial (rate/ rhythm). shock, risk of shock or lack of radial pulse requires immediate iv/io access;
-Hypothermia – cover and keep casualty warm and dry