Acronyms Flashcards
<p>Catheter associated urinary tract infection<br></br></p>
<p>Artificial Feeding</p>
<p>Advanced maternal age</p>
<p>Antenatal clinic</p>
<p>Antepartum haemorrhage</p>
<p>Artificial rupture of membranes / Amniotomy</p>
<p>Born before arrvival</p>
<p>Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Vaccine against turbuculosis)</p>
<p>Births deaths marriages</p>
<p>Baby friendly hospitals initiatives</p>
<p>Bowels not opened</p>
<p>Bowels opened</p>
<p>beats per min</p>
<p>blood pressure</p>
<p>Blood sugar level</p>
<p>Blood glucose level</p>
<p>Birth weight centile</p>
<p>Complete blood count</p>
<p>Controlled cord traction</p>
<p>diet as tolerated</p>
<p>Did not attend</p>
<p>DOPP or OP</p>
<p>Direct Occipital Posterior position (Occiput posterior Position)</p>
<p>Deep transverse arrest<br></br>fetal head failing to rotate</p>
<p>Delivery unit</p>
<p>Discussed with</p>
<p>Estimated blood loss</p>
<p>Expressed breast milk</p>
<p>External cephalic version<br></br>procedure to turn breech baby to cephalic position (36 weeks pregnant)</p>
<p>Estimated date of delivery</p>
<p>Estimated date of confinement</p>
<p>El LSCS</p>
<p>Elective lower segment caesarian section</p>
<p>EM LSCS</p>
<p>Emergency lower segment caesarian section</p>
<p>Fetal scalp electrode (to monitor fetal heart rate)</p>
<p>Fetal blood sampling</p>
<p>Fetal heart rate</p>
<p>Fetal heart heard</p>
<p>Fetal movement</p>
<p>Gestational diabetes mellitus</p>
<p>Gestational Related optimum weight</p>
<p>has passed meconium</p>
<p>has not passed meconium</p>
<p>Has passed urine</p>
<p>Has not passed urine</p>
<p>Heart rate</p>
<p>Indwelling cathether</p>
<p>Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus</p>
<p>Induction of labour</p>
<p>interuterine death</p>
<p>Intrauterine fetal death (death after 20weeks)</p>
<p>fetal death after >24weeks</p>
<p>Intrauterine growth restriction</p>
<p>Low birth weight</p>
<p>Last menstrual period</p>
<p>Maternity clinical info system (badgernet)</p>
<p>Midwifery Council New Zealand</p>
<p>NZ college of midwives</p>
<p>Midwifery standards review</p>
<p>Nitrous Oxide (entonox)</p>
<p>Nothing abnormal detected</p>
<p>Not in established labour</p>
<p>National immunisation register</p>
<p>No known drug allergies</p>
<p>Neonatal death</p>
<p>NPM / NBM</p>
<p>Nil per mouth / nil by mouth</p>
<p>NVB / NBD</p>
<p>Normal vaginal birth / delivery</p>
<p>LOA- Left occipital anterior</p>
<p>What are types of presentations</p>
<p>cephalic, breach</p>
<p>what are types of lie</p>
<p>longitudinal, transverse, oblique</p>
<p>Operating room</p>
<p>Post anaesthetic Care unit</p>
<p>Post natal depression</p>
<p>Post operative day</p>
<p>Pregnancy induced hypertension</p>
<p>Post partum haemorhhage</p>
<p>Post partum</p>
<p>Premature pre-labour rupture of membranes</p>
<p>Pre labour rupture of membranes</p>
<p>Per vagina</p>
<p>per rectum</p>
<p>Royal australian NZ college of obstreticians and gynocologists</p>
<p>Root cause analysis</p>
<p>Respiration rate</p>
<p>Rupture of membranes</p>
<p>serum bilirubin<br></br>pigment found in bile<br></br>too much bilirubin can cause jaudice</p>
<p>SC / sub cut</p>
<p>Small for gestational age</p>
<p>SRM / SROM</p>
<p>Spontaneous rupture of membranes</p>
<p>Spontaneous vaginal birth / delivery</p>
<p>Transfer of care</p>
<p>USS or U/S</p>
<p>Vaginal birth after caesarian</p>
<p>vaginal birth</p>
<p>Vaginal examination</p>
<p>Within normal limits</p>
<p>Well contracted</p>
<p>Uterine growth restriction<br></br>When fetus doesn't grow as expected based on gestational age- maybe due to infection or placental issue</p>
<p>Trial of Scar</p>
<p>trial of labor after cesarean</p>
<p>Prolonged rupture of membranes- waters broke 18-24hrs ago</p>
<p>the number of times that a woman has been pregnant</p>
<p>Primagravida (pregnant once)</p>
<p>Multigravida (2 or more times pregnant)</p>
<p>Grand multigravida (5 or more times)</p>
<p>the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn</p>
<p>nil by mouth</p>