Acres Test Flashcards
What kinds of activities are appropriate for Sundays and holy days?
Church and works of mercy
What did the rainbow after the flood mean?
Never to damage the earth again
Name 2 basic principles that are the center of Catholic social teaching
common goal / dignity
Who are the martyrs?
People who die for their faith
10 commandments
Think about it
What happened on Pentecost?
The people received the Holy Spirit and they started speaking in different tongues.
What are sacramentals
objects, action, and blessings that help us grow
What word describes that the Son of God became man?
What does the trinity mean?
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Who is the first American born saint?
Father of the Israelite’s?
What are the Two Great Commandments given by Jesus?
Love your neighbor as yourself and You shall not have any God’s before me
Why do human beings have dignity?
We were made in the image of God
What are the Beatitudes?
guidelines for Christlike living that will make us happy and lead us to eternal life.
According to Catholic teaching, when does life begin?
At conception
Ordinary Time
What does it mean to follow your call to discipleship?
accepting Jesus and receiving the Eucharist
What is the primary focus of the mass?
The Eucharist
What does it mean to sin
to go against Gods laws/rules/commandments
what office in the church teaches on matters of faith and morals
The supreme Pontiff
what is the theological virtue of faith
we believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us, and that Holy Church proposes for our belief, because he is truth itself
What is our most important ACT of worship
What do you do when you go to Adoration
pray and listen to God
What does it mean to have a vocation
How God calls to serve Him in the world
What is the mystery where Mary is taken into heaven
When we share the Gospel with others, what’s that called?
How often are we obligated to receive communion? When?
What is the “Communion of Saints”
What are some of the duties of a deacon
Who makes up the highest teaching authority of the Church
What does the word covenant mean
What is the catechumenate
What do we celebrate the sacraments
What prayer summarizes our Catholic beliefs
What is the Paschal Mystery
a core doctrine of the church
What is the most recent Ecumenical Council
What are the 4 types of prayer
blessing,petition, intercession, thanksgiving
Which book of the Bible had the creation story
What 2 thinks are essential for the sacrament of Confirmation
1- Sacred Chrism Blessing
2-Renewal of promises
What does the word “catholic” mean