ACR Flashcards
Legionnaire’s Disease
Can cause pneumonia via Legionnaire Pneumophila commonly transmitted via poorly maintained air conditioning
non-specific flu-like symptoms: fever, muscle aches and headache followed by chest pain and dyspnoea
S1 Heart sound
systole: mitral and tricuspid
S2 heart sound
diastole: pulmonary and aortic
systolic murmurs
aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation, mitral valve prolapse
diastolic murmurs
aortic regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation, mitral stenosis and tricuspid stenosis
aortic area
right upper sternal border, 2nd intercostal space
pulmonary area
left upper sternal border, 2nd intercostal space
tricuspid area
4th intercostal space left of the sternum
mitral area
midclavicular line, in the 5th/4th intercostal area, also known as apex
aortic stenosis
S1 sound is heard as mitral valve and an ejection click is heard shortly after (opening of stenotic aortic valve) closes ejection click (loud) and then starts again low and increase as heart contracts (more turbulent flow) and as it relaxes the murmur is reduced (lower turbulent flow) this is known as
crescendo-decrescendo murmur
Heard loudly at the aortic area, the murmur can radiate to the carotids of the neck
pulmonary stenosis
basically the same as aortic stenosis (systolic ejection murmur) but then is heard best in pulmonary area and does not radiate to the neck (carotids)
Mitral regurgitation
Pan-systolic murmur (lasts throughout the whole systole)
Mitral valve does not close properly, and as the aortic valve is closed the pressure build up in LV causes blood to fall back into LA
Mitral regurgitation
Pan-systolic murmur (lasts throughout the whole systole)
Mitral valve does not close properly, and as the aortic valve is closed the pressure build up in LV causes blood to fall back into LA
Even if the aortic valve does open and blood leaves through the aorta (meanwhile the pressure in LV is still building up because in chronic mitral regurgitation the LA dilates (lowering LA pressure even further and accepting more blood in the LA) hence same intensity of murmur heart throughout S1 until S2
This murmur can radiate to the left axilla
androcur (cyproterone acetate)
steroidal antiandrogens used to block effect of testosterone and is used to treat advanced prostate cancer
causes for falls
Ageing problems (eyes, balance, senescent gait disorder etc)
Medical diseases (anaemia, CV, endocrine, neuro problems)
Extrinsic factors
pressure ulcer
nil per os (nothing by mouth (NBM)), prevention of aspiration pneumonia in those undergoing general anaesthesia, weak swallowing musculature, GIT infection or acute pancreatitis
Dementia with lewy bodies
ANS affected and
Bulbar palsy
CN 9-12 lesion due to LMN lesion in medulla oblongata or lesions of lower cranial nerves outside the brainstem
dysphagia, difficulty in chewing, choking on liquids, dysphonia, dysarthria
nasal speech lacking in modulation and difficulty with all consonants
tongue is atrophic and shows fasciculations.
dribbling of saliva.
weakness of the soft palate, examined by asking the patient to say aah.
normal or absent jaw jerk
absent gag reflex
Sparing of ocular muscles differentiates it from myasthenia gravis
Genetic: Kennedy’s disease, acute intermittent porphyria
Vascular causes: medullary infarction
Degenerative diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, syringobulbia
Inflammatory/infective: Guillain–Barré syndrome, poliomyelitis, Lyme disease
Malignancy: brain-stem glioma, malignant meningitis
Toxic: botulism, venom of bark scorpion (species Centruroides),[2] some neurotoxic snake venoms[3]
Autoimmune: myasthenia gravis
hyperinflated lungs
Indicative of COPD/emphysema, can be also seen in those with asthma, due to blockages in air passages or alveoli that are less elastic and prevents efficient expulsion of air from the lungs
Alzheimer’s Disease
70% with dementia patients, r/f age, 30% > 85 have dementia
- Sporadic AD can affect anyone
- Familial AD, rare genetic defect
- Amyloid plaques outside the brain cells: impair synapses so signals can’t pass between brain cells
- Neurofibrillary tangles: prevent normal transport of food and energy around brain cell
Lead to death of brain cells -> shrinkage -> outer part of brain lost first, hence short-term memory lost first -> long-term memory
AD Diagnosis
○ Clinical diagnosis
§ Detailed medical history, thorough physical and neurological examination, intellectual function, psychiatric assessment, neuropsychological tests, blood and urine tests, lumbar puncture for CSF tests, MRI & PET
○ Allows elimination of DDx nutritional deficiencies/depression
Can only confirm after death via brain tissue (autopsy)
AD symptoms
○ Persistent and frequent memory difficulties, esp recent events
○ Vagueness in everyday conversation
○ Apparent loss of enthusiasm for previously enjoyed activities
○ Routine tasks take longer
○ Forgetting well-known people/places
○ Inability to process questions and instructions
○ Deterioration of social skills
Emotional unpredictability
AD treatment
○ Cholinergic drugs: temporary improvement in cognitive functioning
Community support
Gerstmann syndrome
- Dysgraphia & agraphia
- Dyscalculia & acalculia
- finger agnosia (inability to distinguish fingers on hand)
- left-right disorientation
Mental State Examination
Appearance Behaviour Mood and Affect Speech Cognition Thoughts Perception Insight & Judgment