What are real rights?
Rights in things enforceable against anyone who interferes with them
What is a good faith possessor?
Someone who possesses something in belief that they are the owner
What is derivative acquisition?
Derives from someone else
What is original acquisition?
No previous owner
What is occupatio?
Acquisition of property that is unowned
What is accessio?
Occurs when an accessory thing becomes attached to a principle thing and is subsumed and loses its identity
What is mixture and confusion?
Merger of things that is inseparable - mixing two different wines
What is specificatio?
When a completely new thing arises from a merger and cannot be turned back into its original state
What is fruits?
Fruits of a thing belong to an owner of a thing
What happens if a good faith possessor takes the fruits?
They become owner on separation and only accountable to any unconsumed fruits
What is treasure trove?
If a man finds treasure on his own land he can keep it all but if he finds it on someone else land he can only keep half
What is usucapio?
When someone becomes owner after possessing something for over a certain period of time
What is the length of time for uninterrupted possession of moveables?
Three years
What is the length of time for land?
10 years if in same province and 20 years if in a different province
What type of conveyance is traditio?
Informal conveyance
What is the first requirement for traditio?
The thing being transferred has to be capable of acquisition