Acquired murmurs in cats Flashcards
What are the 2 causes of acquired heart murmurs?
- Myocardial disease (HCM, DCM, RCM, ARV CM, unclassified)
2. Endocardial disease (endocarditis, endocardiosis)
What are the main causes of secondary cardiomyopathies?
HCM = hypertension, hyperthyroidism DCM = taurine deficiency
Describe the signalment for primary HCM
- inherited in some breeds
- males disease occurs at an earlier age and is more severe
- phenotype is v variable
Describe the pathophysiology of primary HCM
- concentric hypertrophy of LV
- poor relaxation of myocardium
- diastolic failure
- LA enlargement = L CHF, thrombus in distal aorta and HQ paresis
Describe primary RCM
- impaired diastolic filling in consequence to fibrosis of the LV
- definitive dx based on histopath
- no hypertophy but dilated atria and still heart walls
- can get thrombus formation in LA (can move to cd aorta, coronary arteries and kidneys)
Describe primary DCM
- low prevalence
- some cases may be endstage HCM or RCM
Describe ARVC
- RA and RV enlargement
- variety of arrhythmias (VT, atrial fib, SVT)
- normal thickness and diameter of LV
- normal L side systolic function
- on PM get atrophy in RV wall
How are cardiomyopathies investigated?
Hx, clinical findings, diagnostic imaging, ECG
What clinical findings are associated with CM?
Mumur, arrhythmia (brady/tachy), gallop rhythm, dyspnoea, lung crackles, dullness of chest percussion, hyperthyroid, hypertensive (retinal changes), taurine deficiency (retinal changes)
What can causes murmurs in CM?
- L outflow tract obstruction
- R outflow tract obstruction
- mitral valve insufficiency
- tricuspid valve insufficiency
What radiographic findings would be associated with CM?
- enlarged cardiac silhouette
- atrial dilation
- vascular congestion
- pulmonary oedema
- +/- pleural effusion
- elongated heart (RCM, HCM)
What changes associated with CM would be seen on echocardiography?
- evaluates LV diameter (30% fractional shortening)
- subjective dilation of RV
- DCM = poor systolic function, dilated LV +/- RV, normal/reduced wall thickness
- RCM = normal systolic function, normal LV diameter, normal wall thickness, severe atrial dilation