Acquanited With The Night Flashcards
West running brook 1928
Urban setting
Bleak sinister landscape of city lights and lanes that reflect the bleakness of the poems theme.
Speakers physical journey into darkness mirrors his mental journey into despair.
Intense expression of loneliness presenting how in vast modern cities.
Millions of people live in close proximity to one another paradoxically lonely.
Acquainted suggests knowledge but no affection
Suggests nighttime is a time of loneliness.
Extended metaphor for depression as contextually based on own experience of suffering w depression.
Form and structure
Sonnet of 14 lines
3 tercets
Couplet with rhyming scheme aba
Pattern corresponds to terza rima- Italian poet Dante.
Iambic pentameter with regular measured best mimicking the rhythm of the speaker working on his journey through the city.
3 lined stanzas intertwined with rhyme scheme- circular presenting repeating issues of speaker- how he is really stuck.
Sonnets slow but steady iambic rhythm echoes the sound of footsteps on a midnight street.
Pattern created sense of an endless cycle through repetition of first line and last line.
Reflecting way depression can be self perpetuating.
Unable to break free from his behaviour.
Pattern with long drawn out vowel sounds predominating in the rhymes “lane” “explain” almost onomatopoeic effect as it echoes the sounds of lament.
Long vowel sounds.
Repetition slows the pace of the verse and creates a sad aching music. “I have looked down the saddest city lane”.
Rhythm pattern
Created by anaphora “I have” with interlinking rhyme create chant like, incantatory effect drawing reader into poem.
Implying reader has to experienced these feelings.
Personal pronoun repeated 7 times throughout poem emphasising complete isolation.
Used to chart the gloom of the journey through the streets creating the feeling of monotony. Nothing will change for him.
Choice of diction
Showing others like him
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Singular term paradoxically reinforces loneliness.
Bleak urban night landscape emphasising speakers solitary walking.
Metaphorical image of night evokes loneliness and even terror perhaps symbolising depression or a sense of despair.
Sense of depression is heightened by lines such as “I have looked down the saddest city lane” “I have outwalked the furthest city light” superlative reinforces darkness contributing to the gloomy oppressive atmosphere.
Unusual as he is a pastoral poet grounded in nature contrasting in the urban setting of city streets.
Reflect his sadness and despair in the rain and the darkness of night.
“Out In rain” suggesting metaphor for journeying to the depths of his mind and emotions. Comes back in depressed state through pathetic fallacy of the weather “back in rain”
Punctuation - caesura finished sentences no enjambment
Caesura highlights journey has been meaningless, nothing of substance or significance has happened- only Walked out and walked back that nothing fulfilling has happened him on his urban journey.
Caesura creates slow pace emphasising world weary tone.
Finishes sentences at end of each line forces the reader to stop. Giving a disjointed idea of how depressed. No flow.
No emjambment- speaker is making no progress with his issues.
“I have outwalked”
Physical distance between him and others act as a metaphor for his loneliness.
Everything else is physically distanced- creating pathos for the reader.
Imagery of light
Conveys a lack of hope that his situation will improve “furthest city light”- depressed no light or happiness in his life.
Poets of modernist movement- present city as image of alienation in their work.
Protagonists of poems solitary figures who express isolation and despair.
Final couplet image of time and repetition encapsulates atmosphere of melancholy which pervades the poem.
Chant like effect
Emphasised by interlinking rhyme scheme.
Repetition “I have” impression of monotony dull hopelessness.
Like nature city is seen to take on speakers depression and despair.
Suggestion of hidden voice.
“Interrupted cry… from another street” sense of alienation that speaker expresses.
“Unwilling to explain”
Suggests speakers detachment is somehow self induced deliberate.