ACP 128 Sup 1 Ch 3 Flashcards
Chapter 3
How many types of messages are authorized for preparation and transmission via the Allied Telecommunications Records System? (ALTERS)
A multiple address message is one destined for how many or more addresses?
Messages will be prepared in 1 of how many formats for transmission via the Allied Telecommunications Record System?
Which type of message contains the originator and addressee designations in plain language external to the text?
Plain Dress
Format lines 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 and what else are mandatory in PLAIN DRESS messages?
Format lines 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15 and what else are mandatory in abbreviated plain dress messages?
Which type of message discloses the originator and all action or information addressee designations only within the encrypted text?
Which format lines are never used in a CODRESS message?
6, 7, 8, 9
Which classification designator will be used in FL 2 & 4 for all CODRESS messages?
Which communications facility is responsible for selecting the correct routing indicator for the communications facilities serving the addressee
All messages will be routed in accordance of which appropriate series publications and national / regional defense organization supplements there to?
ACP 117
Which stations will not assign collection routing indicators to originated messages unless specifically authorized?
Requests for routing indicator assignments changes or deletions will be submitted through appropriate national or regional defense organization channels as outlined in general instructions of which series or the appropriate national or regional defense organization procedures?
ACP 117
Which type of message is one which either trails or is attached to a preceding message?
Which type of message is recieved by nodes with a suspected strangler attached are accepted and processed to the called station?