ACOLS Module 7 Flashcards
IN the phase I of CDT, the patient is seen daily.
The goal for phase I of CDT is to decongest the involved extremity.
In treating lymphedema, one must treat the healthy quadrant (territory on the trunk opposite to the affected extremity) to create a suction effect on the involved quadrant (if unilateral involvement).
Phase II (improvement phase) of CDT is also called the self management phase.
Lymphedema is a condition that needs to be managed for life. There is no cure for lymphedema.
Good skin care reduces the chance of bacterial and fungal growth.
Low pH products and lotions should be used for the treatment of the skin of patients with lymphedema.
It is OK to treat patients with fungal infections on the skin as long as the medications to treat the fungus have started.
MLD techniques cannot be used for the treatment of wounds.
In phase II of CDT, garments should be worn during the day and if needed, bandages or bandaging alternative should be worn during the night.
There is always a risk of re-accumulation of fluid following decongestion if compression therapy is not used in the treatment of lymphedema with CDT.
The Law of LaPlace states that if the radius of a cylinder increases, the tension also needs to increase to achieve the same pressure.
“Ace” bandages have HIGH working pressure and LOW resting pressure.
Continuous compression should be maintained during phase I of CDT.
All of these are effects of the use of MLD except:
A. Increase the local sympathetic response and the general parasympathetic effect.
B. Increase in the contraction frequency of lymph collectors.
C. Eliminates the risk of re-accumulation after decongestion.
D. Re-route lymph flow around blocked areas into more centrally located, healthy areas.
Answer: C (MLD is done first, then decongestion)