Acne/ Sun Protection Flashcards
Acne Cosmetica:
noninflammatory comedones on the face, chin, and cheek caused by occlusion of the pilosebaceous unit by oil-based cosmetics, moisturizers pomades, or other health and beauty products.
Acne Excoriee (excoriated):
A form of acne caused by constant picking, squeezing, or scratching at the skin, which caused the acne to look worse
Acne mechanica:
local irritation or friction from occlusive clothing, headbands, helmets, or other friction-producing devices
An acneiform eruption caused by exposure to chlorine compounds
Drug-induced Acne:
More common: anabolic steroids, bromides, corticosteroids, corticotrophin, isoniazid, lithium, phenytoin
Less common: azathioprine, cyclosporine, disulfiram, phenobarbital, quinidine, tetracycline, vitamins B1, B5, B12, and D2
Hormone-induced Acne:
Hormonal alterations, specifically increased androgen levels induced by medical conditions, pregnancy or medications
Hydration-induced Acne:
hydration-induced in size of pilosebaceous duct orifice and prevention of loosening of comedone caused by high-humidity environments and prolonged sweating.
Occupational Acne:
exposure to dirt, vaporized cooking oils, or certain industrial chemicals, such as cool tar and petroleum derivatives
Stress and Extreme emotion – induced Acne:
May induce expression of neuroendocrine modulators and release of CRH, which play a role in centrally and topically induced stress of the sebaceous glands and possible progression of acne
few erythematous papules and occasional pustules and occasional pustules mixed w/comedones
Many erythematous papules and pustules and prominent scarring
Extensive pustules erythematous papules, and multiple nodules in an inflamed background
acne non-pharm
- Eliminate the factor
- Cleanse skin with mild soap or non-soap cleanser BID
- DON’T use abrasive products
- Remove makeup and traces of dirt
- Dietary changes: cutting back on foods with high glycemic index to see if changes occur.
acne pharm
- Adapalene
- Benzoyl Peroxide (BP):
- Hydroxy Acids:
- Sulfur
- Sulfur/Resorcinol:
Adverse effects: redness, scaling, dryness, itching, and burning (diminishes after a month of therapy)
Apparent therapy after 8-12 weeks of treatment.
If symptoms worsen or fail to improve in 3 months, talk to PCP.
If allergic, pregnant or trying to become pregnant, discontinue therapy.