Acne Flashcards
T/F Approximately 85% young people between 12-24 years have acne
T and preadolescent acne is affecting children 7-11 years
35% women and 20% men still report having acne in their 30s whilst 26% women and 12% men still report acne in their 40s
T/F Caucasian girls and females have a tendency to more severe nodulocystic disease than other groups
F Caucasian boys and males have a tendency to more severe nodulocystic disease than other groups
What theoretical foods are associated with acne?
Theories include: milk (skimmed milk), whey protein used in body building supplements, high glycemic-load, B12 supplementation
What three things are involved in the pathogenisis of acne?
- Follicular hyperkeratinization 2. hormonal influences 3. inflammation, in part mediated by P.acnes
T/F Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a weak androgen converted to the more potent testosterone by 3-HSD and 17b-HSD
T/F the rise in serum levels of DHEAS in pre-pubescant children –> acne
T/F the theory is systemically administed Estrogen increases sebum production
F decreases
T/F CD8 T cells and levels of IL-2 have been shown to be increased perifollicularly prior to hyperkeritinization
F CD4 T cells and levels of IL-1
T/F P.acnes is a Gram-positive, aerobic cocci found deep within the sebaceous follicle
F it’s a rod, often found with smaller numbers of P.granulosum
T/F P.acnes produces porphyrins (primarily coproporphrin III) that fluroesces with Wood’s lamp illumination
T/F Acne fulimans- patients typically have severe acne prior to the onset
F tends t be mild-moderate
T/F Erythema nodosum may also arise in association with acne fulminans
What does SAPHO stand for?
Synovitis Acne Pustulosis Hyperostosis Ostitis (can also accompany acne fulminans. Other associations include late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia and anabolic steroid use, including tesosterone)
T/F you should stop Isotretinoin immediately in someone with acne fulminans
True…for about 2 weeks whilst given Prednislone but then you restart at low dose eg 0.1mg/kg/day
What is the follicular occlusion triad?
Acne conglobata, Hydrenadenitis supprativa, Pilonoidal sinuses, and disecting cellulitis of the scalp
What is PAPA syndrome?
Pyogenic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, and Acne conglobata
AD autoinflammatory disorder
T/F PAPA is caused by mutation in PSTPIP1 which encodes Proline-Serine-Threonine Posphatase Interacting Protein 1 (PSTPIP1)