Acne Flashcards
4 main players in acne pathogenesis?
Abnormal follicular keratinization, inflammation, bacteria and hormones
Key difference between acneiform reactions and acne?
You have to see comedones in acne
If you do see comedones it doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be acne, but you can’t have acne w/o comedones
What deficiency can cause increased comedone formation?
linoleic acid –>increases follicular plug
How does bacteria affect acne?
Cutibacterium are gram + rods that produce lipases and coproporphyrin III and these cleave sebum –> FFA –> FFA binds TLR-2 –> increases inflamation and is chemotactic. -key is that FFA is both comedogenic and chemotactic
What is acne fulminans associated with (drug)
Anabolic steroids
What is acne fulminans?
severe form of nodulocystic acne –> m/c in young males. p/w sudden-onset suppurative nodular acne, systemic symptoms (myalgia, arthralgias, fever, elevated ESR, leukocytosis, sterile osteolytic bone lesions over clavicle and sternum, can be a complication of aggressive isotretinoin therapy.
Tx for acne fulminans
Low dose isotretinoin and prednisone or prednisone alone at first and then isotretinoin
What ovarian androgen can contribute to acne?
What adrenal androgens are a/w acne?
DHEA-S, 17-OH-progesterone
When should you check hormone labs in women if isotretinoin fails?
First 7 days of the menstrual cycle (Make sure they are not on OCP’s!)
What sx’s are seen with PCOS?
Alopecia, hirsutism, irregular menses, increased LH/FSH ratio, and testosterone
What is the morphology of acne in PCOS
Nodular around the jawline.
What TLR is affected by retinoids?
What does combining isotretinoin and tetracyclines increase the risk of?
pseudotumor cerebri
Can you use tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide together?
No the BPO inactivates the tretinoin, you can use adapelene.
What cytokines are increased in acne that drive the inflammation
IL-1, IL-8 (neutrophil attractant), TNF-a via TLR-2 activation. TLR-2 expressed on innate immune cells and keratinocytes
What effect does cutibacterium have on acne pathogenesis?
Gram-positive anaerobic rod –> produce lipases and coproporphyrin III –> cleave sebum –>FFA- FFA binds TLR-2 and increases ii- FFA is both comedogenic and chemotactic
What effect/s do hormones have on acne pathogenesis?
- Increased sebum production 2/2 androgen
- Growth of sebaceous gland
What is the presentation of acne conglobata and associated syndrome?
Similar to fulminans (abrupt onset, erosive, severe nodulocystic acne) but no systemic sxs - a/w follicular occlusion tetrad (dissecting cellulitis of scalp, HS, acne conglobata, pilonidal cyst)
What are the associated inflammatory syndromes with acne conglobata?
PAPA (pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne conglobata) - PAPASH (PAPA +HS + Acne conglobata) - SAPHO (synovitis, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis)
What is solid facial edema variant of acne?
This is a synonym for Morbihan disease
- P/w woody nonscaling edema of mid-face and cheeks
- Tx is isotretinoin for up to 24 months
Presentation of neonatal acne?
P/w papulopustules NOT comedones (not true acne) during the first 2 weeks of life, resolves by 3 months
- 2/2 yeast (M. furfur)
What is infantile acne?
Prominent comedones (true acne) with risk of pitting and scaring
- 3-6 months of age
- Resolves within 1-2 years and may require topical retinoids and BPO