Acids turn litmus paper red, and bases turn it blue Flashcards
In 08 chess legend Bobby fisher died in this country
Granted him citizenship in 05
Also same country beat Beaten borris bas ski in 72 match built as a Cold War confrontation
American anti comedian who died of lung cancer at age 35
Andy Kaufman
Protagonist of Shawshank redemption
Andy do frain
Name the novel
Chapter 2 : seizure of $300 from a pig woman in Beverly Hills
Chapter 12 hellish speed grappling with California highway patrol mono e moon on highway 8
Chapter 21 breakdown on paradise boulevard
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
Hunter S Thompson
Leading figure of pop art movement known for silk screens of a certain canned food product
Andy Warhol
English actor most closely associated with Motion capture roles in LOTR hobbit and Star Wars
Andy circus
Considered somewhat of a rockstar of his time due to handsomeness and performance style this 19th century composer and piano virtuoso is best Known for his vie mar period in which he wrote the 19 Hungarian rhapsody’s
Franz list
I didn’t know he wqs hamdsome
Prior to rise
To fame
This man taught at hunter college HS in Manhattan 6 miles away from central neighborhood featured in first Broadway musical
Lin Manuel Miranda
In the heights (referring to Washington heights
88 film following Jamie S cuh lan T a math teacher at James A Garfield high school in east LA who strives to improve outcomes
At primarily Latino school through teaching AP calculus
Stand and deliver
Hi me cuh lan T!
Born in 1866 this woman wqs left partially blinded sue to trah comb uh at age of 5 Despite this she would go on to have notable career as educator with a Far more famous pupil of 49 years
Anne Sullivan played by AA wining Anne Bancroft in the miracle worker
Helen Keller
A book about a man who eventually admits he loves his big brother even though he treats him poorly
1984 George Orwell
Published 49
A book about how we should not hurt anything innocent but we do because people are the worst
To kill a mockingbird Harper Lee
A book about a dream
Chasing man who throws lavish parties in the hope his ex will
Show up
The great gatsby f Scott Fitzgerald
A British book about privileged boys who suddenly have to work Together solving problems old
Fashioned way through violence and power
If young girls outcome different
The lord of the flies William Golding
American book about a sweet devoted woman and a dismal pious man she happens to love
The scarlet letter nathinal Hawthorne
Reverend dimsdale
A sad book about fishing and cutting your loses
The oldman and the sea
This actor is thr star I’d last action hero and palys him in him IV the movie within it
Arnold Schwarzenegger
As jack slater
Gene Kelly dances up a storm in this musical about folks working on the film the dueling cavalier in the new talking pictures era
Singing in the rain
Just off its east coast is John pennekamp coral reef park the USA first undersea park
Penny camp
Key largo
A city in Colorado was named for this Mexican state that borders chihuahua
Close yours eyes and think
Southwest Airlines has put this query in front of certain fares that let you fly on a whim
Wanna get away
Synonym of anytime is in the title of first US top 50 hit for Shakira
Whenever (wherever )
Drop in from
A word meaning respiration to get this word meaning healthy
Inhale and hale
Drop in from a word meaning penniless to get this word for a liquid in chemistry like an ester or ketone
Insolvent to solvent
Drop in from a legal word compellimg one to cease activities to get this word where choo- choos meet
Injunction to junction
William butler yeats spent holidays in this town in western Ireland with his grandparents and was eventually buried there
Sly go
After a famous memoir this poet found succes with her collection just give me a cool drink of water fire I diiie
Maya Angelou
To North Dakota state university
Cabrillo national monument on this city’s bay marks the spot where the First European landed on Americas west coast
San Diego
This back to Africa promoter was an icon depicted on Chicago’s now destroyed by all of respect designed by BAM
Marcus Garvey
Black art movement
A woman m death row is the focus of haveas corpus a project within this film about a movie exec played by Tim Robbins
The player
Warily circling as hunters freeze and swear the pintail type of this eater bird is on rod the most difficult to lure with a decoy
If you’re birding west of thr roxkies you’re likely to catch sight of the California scrub type of this bird
Drop in from a word meaning certainly to get this legal
Contract of trust or of sale
Indeed and deed
85% of Alaska is underlain by this type of soil that remains frozen year round
Most employment in the US is this hyphenated type of agreement meaning you can quit or be fired at any time
At will
The cooper’s type of this bird of prey is soon to be the TBD type as American birds will no longer have people’s names in their common Names
The long billed curlew is nicknamed this bird and its Bay Area habitat is said to have lent name to a point and a ballpark
John cassin from
A Quaker family in Delaware county became a famous ornithologist in this city and named a vireo after it
Philadelphia veer e o
Star of a 23 hbo doc this poet and her work black judgement helped take the black arts movement to national prominence
Nicki Giovanni
Fake previews for women of thr SS and hobo with a shotgun are within this Tarantino Rodriguez double feature
Grind house
In response to this black national death in 65 amiri baraka wrote blaxk art an early poem of the black arts movement
Malcom x
Giants steps
Saxophonist who is referred to as a blaxk priest prophet
Drop in from this word for a big to get this often small but enthusiastic type of religious sect
Insect to sect
These spies aren’t tired; they function ordinarily in a population until activated for vital Reasons at any time
Sleeper agents