Acids And Bases Flashcards
When metals burn in air or oxygen what type of compound is made?
Metal oxide
What type of solution (acid/alkali/neutral) do metal oxides that dissolve in water tend to produce?
- Do all metal oxides dissolve in water?
Where can you find out if metal oxides dissolve in water
Page 8 data booklet
Write the names of 2 metal oxides that dissolve in water and 2 that do not.
dissolve – potassium oxide, sodium oxide
insoluble – aluminium oxide, zinc oxide
Give the names of the products for the 2 metal oxides that do dissolve.
potassium oxide giving potassium hydroxide, sodium oxide giving sodium hydroxide
- (a) When non-metals burn in air or oxygen what type of compound is made?
(b) Be able to write balanced equations for non-metal elements burning in air e.g. (i) sulfur and (ii) carbon burning in air.
non-metal oxide
(i) S + O2 SO2
(ii) C + O2 CO2
- What type of solution (acid/alkali/neutral) do non-metal oxides that dissolve in water tend to produce?
- (a) What is required to enable nitrogen to react with oxygen?
(b) Name the oxide produced.
(c) Which acid is made when this oxide dissolves in water?
High energy e.g. spark, lightning
Nitrogen dioxide
Nitric acid
High energy e.g. spark, lightning
Nitrogen dioxide
Nitric acid