Acid – Base Physiology Flashcards
Acid – Base Physiology
- The maintenance of a consistently normal H+ ion concentration in body fluids is critical to survival. Even small variations result cellular compromise and death
- Maintenance of this constant state in the face of changing H+ concentrations has three components:
1. Buffers of body fluids, both intracellular/extracellular
2. Respiratory mechanics (C02)
3. Renal mechanism- excretion of H+, reabsorption and production of HCO3- - pH is used to describe H+ concentration
o pH = - log [H+]
Log curve: small change in pH = very large change in H+ concentration
Since it is a - log, the lower the pH, the higher the H+ concentration, and vice versa
Forms of Acid
- It is helpful to think of acids in humans as existing as one of two basic forms:
o “Volatile acids”: (H+ + HCO3- —- H2CO3 — C02 + H20); levels may be varied by changes in pulmonary ventilation.
o “Fixed acids”:- Sulfuric and phosphoric acids are produced by metabolism of proteins and phospholipids
-Lactic acid is produced in normal and abnormal states (strenuous exercise, hypoxia)
-Beta-hydroxybuteric acid and acetoacid are produced in fat metabolism (diabetes mellitus)
-Ingested acids – vinegar, aspirin (salicylic acid), etc.
- Sulfuric and phosphoric acids are produced by metabolism of proteins and phospholipids
o Buffers are a variety of chemicals and proteins that can absorb free H+ or donate a H+, so that pH changes only minimally, within limits, with addition or removal of H+ from cells, ECF, or blood
o Buffering capacity is critical to survival, otherwise we would see wild changes in tissue pH, both locally (muscle, gut) and systemically with normal activities –ex. Exercise, H+ production in stomach, vinegar on our salad etc.
The Equilibrium Constant – K
The Equilibrium Constant is the point at which, for a given acid or base, equilibrium is reached between the dissociated form ([H+] & [A-]) and the associated form ([HA])
K = ([H+]+ [A-])/[HA]
The Equilibrium Constant – K
o As an example, for hydrochloric acid (HCL):
This is a strong acid, with most of it in the dissociated form. K for HCL will be a huge number
K = [H+] /[HCl]
o Instead of dealing with huge numbers, scientists convert it to a log function - pK. The pK is the –log of K. For HCL, the K is huge and the pK is small (- log)
The Equilibrium Constant – K
We can use this information to calculate the pH of a buffered solution by employing the Henderson – Hasselbalch equation:
pH = pK + log [A-]/[HA]
At equal concentration of [A] and [HA], pH = pK
The Equilibrium Constant – K
If you plot a curve of the pH of a solution containing a buffer, while adding acid or base (pH vs. addition of acid or addition of base), you will generate a curve sigmoidal in shape; in the linear portion of the curve only small changes in pH occur with substantial additions / subtractions of H+ vs. the flatter tail portions
ECF Buffers
1) Bicarbonate (HCO3-) is the most important extracellular buffer
o pK = 6.1
o Normal serum level is 18 -28 mEq/L
o This buffer, along with carbonic anhydrase, provides a system for a very rapid adjustment of EFC pH by breathing
- Removal of CO2, removes H+, increasing pH
- Retention of CO2 adds H+, lowering pH
ECF Buffers
2) Inorganic phosphate 2nd buffer
o PK = 6.8
o Less important than HCO3- because of the large amounts of HCO3- normally present, and because of the ability to rapidly remove CO2
ECF Buffers
3) Plasma proteins act as buffer by trading Ca++ for H+
ECF Buffers : Pathophysiology
o Alkalemia or alkalosis –less H+ in blood, serum, & ECF – as H+ is pulled off proteins, free Ca++ occupies those available sites on protein, decreasing the available free Ca++. Rapidly occurring depressed levels of free CA++ causes carpal pedal spasm
o Acidemia or Acidosis– excess H+ in blood, serum, & ECF – H+ binds to plasma proteins, increasing free Ca++
ICF Buffers
o Organic phosphates – ATP, ADP, AMP, 2-3DPG
o Proteins – hemoglobin, and particularly deoxyhemoglobin
Renal Mechanisms in Acid-Base Balance
Slow compensation by:
- Reabsorption of filtered HCO3- in the proximal tubule increases HCO3- stores (Chronically increased PCO2 levels, as in individuals with severe COPD, is in part, the result of increased reabsorption of HCO3-, resulting in increased serum levels)
- Excretion of fixed acids.
- Synthesis of HCO3- – for each H+ excreted, one new HCO3- is synthesized
- Excretion of H+ as NH4+
Pulmonary Mechanisms in Acid-Base Balance
Rapid compensation:
o Maintains pH by varying the minute ventilation which changes PCO2 levels and therefore pH
Pathophysiology: Acid-Base Disorders
o Acidemia / Acidosis – disorders resulting in increased [H+] which results in a pH less than 7.35. This may occur because of a relative increase in H+ or a decrease in buffering capacity (HC03-)
o Alkalemia /Alkalosis – disorders resulting in decreased [H+] resulting in pH greater than 7.45. Most commonly results from a decreased H+ concentration secondary to increased minute ventilation
Pathophysiology: Acid-Base Disorders
o Metabolic acid-base disturbances: Typically the result of increased fixed acids; occasionally by decreased HCO3- levels
- Increased production of non volatile acids
- Decreased acid excretion by kidney
- Decreased synthesis of HCO3- by the kidney
- “Loss of alkali” (HCO3-) usually GI, occasionally renal
Pathophysiology: Acid-Base Disorders
o Respiratory acid-base disturbances: Disturbances of PCO2 levels as the result of:
- Respiratory failure / inadequate minute ventilation resulting in “respiratory acidosis”
- Alkalosis caused by
- Hypoxia, stimulating the respiratory center, increasing minute ventilation
- Anxiety, sepsis, pregnancy, etc.
An Approach to Simple Acid Base Disorders
o Easiest to use Arterial Blood Gases (ABG’s) to diagnosis and differentiate acid base disorders
- Identify abnormalities of pH, PCO2, and bicarbonate
• pH identifies the disorder as acidemic or alkalemic
• Abnormalities of PCO2 levels identifies a respiratory component to the pathophysiology
• Abnormalities of HCO3- levels identifies a metabolic component to the pathophysiology
An Approach to Simple Acid Base Disorders:
For each change in PC02 of 10 mm, pH will change by approximately 0.08 in the opposite direction
Compensation Mechanisms for Acid-Bases Abnormalities
o As pH varies from normal levels, the body will attempt to adapt to bring pH into normal ranges (homeostasis)
o Two primary mechanisms used to maintain normal pH:
1. Respiratory Compensation – PCO2 can be rapidly changed to influence pH
2. Renal compensation – HCO3- levels and acid excretion can be altered to return pH toward normal
Some Causes of Acid-Base Disorders - Respiratory Acidosis: caused by a relative Hypoventilation
o CNS problems,
- Narcotics, ETOH, barbiturates, tumor, stroke, quadriplegia, head injury etc.
o Pulmonary disease states – minute ventilation may or may not be normal; diffusion of gases and respiratory mechanic may be fouled up
- COPD, Emphysema, Asthma, etc.
- Pneumonia, CHF, etc.
- Airway obstruction, pneumothorax etc.
oNeuromuscular disease states
- Tetanus, botulism, curare, organophosphate poisoning
- Etc.
Some Causes of Acid-Base Disorders - Respiratory Alkalosis caused by hyperventilation.
Conditions that are associated with respiratory alkalosis include:
- Anxiety
- Hypoxia
- Pregnancy (high estrogen state)
- High altitude (resulting from relative hypoxia)
- Sepsis
- As a physiologic attempt to counter a metabolic acidosis; ex. Aspirin overdose (metabolic acidosis) may cause a “compensatory” respiratory alkalosis in the body’s attempt raise pH into the normal range. This may result in a partial or complete compensation of a metabolic acidosis (“mixed acid-base disorder” because both pulmonary and renal mechanisms are involved – this case would illustrates a “metabolic acidosis with a respiratory compensation”)
Some Causes of Acid-Base Disorders - Metabolic Acidosis
o Overproduction of Acid
i. Diabetic keto-acidosis
ii. Lactic Acidosis
o Decreased excretion of [H+] – Renal failure
o Loss of HCO3- ex. GI losses, renal losses
Some Causes of Acid-Base Disorders - Metabolic Alkalosis
o Vomiting
o Excretion of body acids rapidly
Anion Gap: A Measure of Unmeasured Anions
The Anion Gap is used to refine the differential diagnosis of metabolic acidosis (Useful in differentiating the different causes (classes?) of metabolic acidosis.). As an example, in a patient with metabolic acidosis, you may want to determine if the underlying cause to too much fixed acid or not enough bicarbonate.
- Requires only simple blood tests
Anion Gap: A Measure of Unmeasured Anions
It is a measure of cation (+) concentration vs. anion (-) concentration. The principle of electrical neutrality results in organisms having equal concentration of cations and anions. The anion gap represents unmeasured anions, mostly the negative charges on plasma proteins
Normal range for anion gap – 12 + or – 4 mEq/l. (Because of improved testing, some authorities feeling 7 +/- 4 is more accurate)
Anion Gap: A Measure of Unmeasured Anions
Anion gap: Anion gap = [Na+] – ([HCO3-] + [Cl-] Normal range 8 –16 mEq/L Ex. A Patient’s labs reveals: • Na+ = 140, • Cl- = 105 • HCO3- =24 Anion Gap = 140 – (24 +105) = 140 – 129 = 11 mEq/L
Anion Gap: A Measure of Unmeasured Anions
o In an acidotic patient, if the anion gap is increased – the patient has an “extra acid” present in their system that you are not measuring (examples: ketoacidosis in a diabetic, lactic acidosis, aspirin, methanol)
o If the anion gap is normal – the patient has lost HCO3- (GI or renal losses are most common –diarrhea, pancreatic fistulae). Because of the principle of electrical neutrality, HCO3- losses are replace by increasing Cl- levels (Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis)
o A low anion gap is often the result of hypoalbuminemia