Achondroplasia, Hypochondroplasia and Tanatophor Dysplasia Flashcards
Genetic defect
Point mutation in FGFR3 (4p) 1138
Arg-> Gly
Important facts
Achondroplasia: transmembrane domain
Hypochondroplasia: tyrosine kinase domain
Tanatophor dysplasia: tyrosine kinase domain
Gene mechanism and fuction
Gene is expressed in physis(bone) and CNS
Normal fucntion is inhibit the proliferation of chondrocyte in proliferation zone of physis, help to regulate bone growth by inhibiting the endochrondral ossification
Gene mutation effects
FGFR 3 deficiency > growth faster longer period
The receptor is active even without FGF 3 binding-> superly inhibit the growth and ossification-> short statue
Differential diagnosis
Cartilage hair hynoplasia
Campomelic dysplasia
Cartilage hair dysplasia
Short statue Gene varum Curvature of femur Thin, fragile hair Irregular, enlarge metaphase Immunodeficiency
Campomelic dysplasia
AD/AR: 17q24,3-24,1 Curvature of lower 1/3 of tibia Thickening of corticalis Hypoplasia of fibula Curvature of femur Pes equinovarus Opposite gender (XY-female phenotype)
AD/AR- gene in pericentric region of chromosome 9
One of the most common skeletal dysplasia with manifestation 1-3 years
Along with growth it become more expressed