Achilles Pain/ Stiffness/ Muscle Power Flashcards
What outcome measures to use for Achilles Tendonopathy
- VISA- A. (Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment- Achilles)- for pain/ stiffness
- FAAM (Foot and Ankle Measure)- activity and participation
- LEFS- activity and participation
What performance measures can you use to measure functional status for achilles injury
Hop and heel raise endurance tests
What physical impairments should you measure for achilles pain (objective)
- Ankle Dorsiflexion
- Subtalar ROM
- Plantar flexion Strength and Endurance
- Static Arch Height
- Forefoot alignment
- Pain with palpation
- Positive Arc sign
- Positive Royal London Hospital Test
What exercises should you use to decrease achilles pain
heavy load/ slow speed- concentrics and eccentrics
What should you advise for achilles tendonopathy regaurding rest
Complete rest is not indicated- continue within recreational activity
What about heel lifts?
no recommendation can be made
What about night splints?
No use of night splints for achilles tendonopathy
What about orthotics?
no recommendation for achilles tendonopathy
What about Iontophoresis?
Can use with Dexamethasone to decrease pain and improve function
What are some of the risk factors for developing?
- Obesity
- tendon abnormalities seen on ultrasound
- Improvements seen with shock absorbing insoles
- Family history (level 3 evidence)
What are some subjective and palpation diagnostics for achilles tendonopathy?
2-6 cm pain prox to insertion
pain with palpation to midportion of achilles
Gradual onset of pain
Describe the Arc Test for Achilles tendonopathy
Palpable nodule with active DF/ PF
Describe the Royal London Hospital Test
Pain decreases with palpation in dorsiflexion
What imaging would you recommend with patients not progressing with Achilles pain, and what might you try to be ruling out?
partial ruptures, bursitis, paratendonitis, plantaris involvement, fascial tears
What are some acute diagnostic indicators for achilles tendonopathy
Redness/ warmth/ swelling < 3 mon High levels of pain limiting low level activity- like walking Loss of motion Painful motion
What are the non- acute diagnostic indicators for Achilles tendonopathy?
No redness/ warmth/ swelling > 3 mon Pain after onset/ completing high level activity- like running/ jumping Pain with palpation decreased and painful motion Abnormal biomechanical findings
If a patient is not improving what are some things you can refer out for?
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy- supported
Corticosteroid Injection- short term with complications
PRP- not supported