Achievement Tests Flashcards
Wide range achievement test
Short test assesses reading, spelling, math:
Stanford-Binet intelligence scale
Intelligence and cognitive abilities
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
16-89, IQ scores
Good multicultural intelligence test
Portfolio test
Helps students plan future
IQ scores
130+ very superior 120-129 Superior 110-119 High Average 90-109 Average 80-89 Low average 70-79 Borderline 69 Below average
Aptitude tests
Measure specific skills and abilities
Differential aptitude test
General aptitude test battery
armed services vocational aptitude battery
Strong interest inventory
Holland, career counseling
Kuder occupational interest survey
For college
Ohio vocational interest survey
Grades 8-12
Self-directed search
Holland, high school and adults
Career assessment inventory
Assesses and contrasts occupations
Brigance Diagnostic life skills inventory
Assesses basic life skills
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2
Used to determine psychotic disorders with many symptoms unrelated to depression
Sixteen personality factor questionnaire
Personality test for career counseling
Edwards personal preference schedules
Traits versus occupational profiles
Assesses psychological state, traits and defense mechanisms
Thematic apperception test
Ages 4+, uses pictures to elicit interpretations
Sentence completion
Assesses personality
Both children and adults, intelligence/personality
Bender-Gestalt 2
Ages 4+, perpetual-motor and cognitive development
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
Used in the beginning of couples therapy
Dyadic Adjustment scale
Measures marital quality
Family environmental scale
Assesses family relationships
Family questionnaire
Measures criticism
Family assessment device
McMaster model of family functioning
The Camberwell Family interview
Need lots of training, assesses criticism
5 Minute speech sample
Used with relatives of clients with disorders
Personal assessment of intimacy in relationships
Assesses 5 types of intimacy
Bender Visual-motor Gestalt test 2
Ages 3-11, visual-motor and psychological development
Childhood autism rating scale
Ages 2+, completed by parents
Children’s apperception test
Ages 3-10, examines social-emotional components of personality
Children’s depression inventory
Ages 6-17, assesses last two weeks
Conners rating scale
3-17, behavior problems and ADHD
Draw a person test
Used when verbal expression is difficult
Kinetic family drawing
Assesses self perception, family relationships, family dynamics
Matrix analogies Test
Ages 5-17, nonverbal
Vineland adaptive behavior scales
Parent and teacher completes
Wechsler intelligence scale for children
Best intelligence for children ages 6-16