ACH Return Codes Flashcards
What is a code R01
Available balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar value of the debit entry
What is a code R09
Sufficient Book/Ledger Balance but value uncollected items brings available balance below amount of debit entry
What is a code R16
Funds Unavailable due to action by the RDFI or by legal Action or OFAC instructed
What is a code R02
Previously Active account is now closed
What is a code R03
Account structure is valid, but does not match individual
What is code R04
Account number structure not valid , Digits failed
What is Code R12
Account Sold to another Financial institution
What is Code R20
Non transaction account due to Policy and regulation
What is code R05
Unauthorized Debit to Consumer account using SEC Corporate code
What is Code R07
Authorization revoked by customer / Written Statement is required PPD, TEL, and WEB
What is code R08
The receiver has requested a stop payment
what is an R10
Customer Advises Unauthorized all debit entries except corporate CCD , CTX, and RCK
What is a R29
Receiver has notified RDFI that corporate debit entry is not authorized. 24 Hours to return
What is an R31
ODFI agrees to accept a return after the 24 hours deadline of a corporate entry reported unauthorized.
What is a code R14
Representative payee Deceased
What is a code R15
beneficiary or Account holder deceased
What is a code R23
Credit Entry Refused - Receiver refuses transaction because amount is inaccurate
What is code R33
RDFI determines at its discretion to return a destroyed Check Entry
What is code R06
Returned per ODFI’s request - ODFI has requested RDFI to return an entry
What is a code R17
Fields edited by the RDFI Cannot be processed - File Record Edit Criteria
What is a code R21
Number used in the company field is incorrect
What is code R22
The ID number used to identify the account is not correct
What is code R24
Duplicate Entry - Entry is a duplicate trace number, date dollar amount and or hte other data matches another entry
What is code R13
Invalid ACH Routing Number
What is code R18
Improper effective entry date effective entry date of a credit entry is beyond the 2 banking day processing window. Effective date of a debit entry is beyond the 1 banking day processing window.
What is code R19
Amount field is non-numeric; is not zero in non-valued entry( pre-note, dne,enr,noc, Refused NOC or zero dollar entry) is zero in a valued ACH transaction format; or is greater than $25,000.00 for ARC, BOC and POP Entries
What is a code R25
Addenda Error - An error exist in the addenda Record in regard to the application of codes incorrect values, addenda content or required formatting standards ( ANSI or NACHA endorsed banking convention
What is a code R26
Mandatory field