ACF Flashcards
What is 1A0X1/ duties
Boom operator
Duties: refueling of receiver aircraft, load planning, coordinating and supervising cargo on/offloading.
*Ohh shit I’m out of fuel
What is a 1A1/ their duties
1A1: flight engineer
-Duties: operates and monitors engine and aircraft systems controls/indicators
-recomends corrective actions for abnormal aircraft conditions to the pilot
-assist pilots in performing engine start up/shutdown procedures
*#1 enlisted personnel
What is a 1A2/ their duties ?
Aircraft load master
-load planning for cargo, troop
-computing aircraft weight/balance
-conducting air drops, combat offloading and safety and comfort of passengers
- drop a #2
What is a 1A3/ duties
Airborne mission systems operator
-performs in-flight aircrew functions on electronic mission aircraft
-sustains air/ground radar
-maintains communication nets between air to air,air to ground, and air to maritime activities.
*3eek squad
What Is a 1A6/duties
Flight attendant
-planning, coordinating, and managing all mission requirments related to safety and comfort of congressional executive branch, military members, and INTERNATIONAL LEADERS
- 6 star service
What is 1A8x1 /duties
Airborne linguist
- performs and supervises the recording, transcribing, translating, analyzing and reporting of assigned voice communication.
*think of the 1 as an L. Linguist.
What is a 1A8x2
ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance)
- operate, evaluate, and manage airborne ISR. Provide ISR threat warning support, and actionable INTELL
What Is a 1A9/duties
Visual inspections/in flight duties. Included operating and monitoring engine and aircraft systems.
-track and engage targets and perform battle damage assessments.
*9 lives
What is a 1U0/duties
Remotely piloted aircraft sensor operator (RPASO)
-Work with sensor suites in the employment of manual and computer assisted active/passive airborne based sensor systems.
-aquire,track, and monitor airborne,maritime, ans ground targets.
What is a skill level 1?
-initial skills traning
What is skill level 3?
-awarded 3 level upon completion of initial skills technical traning
What is skill level 5?
Journey man
-acheived through experience.
-meet quals of assigned airframe
-min time requirments
What is skill level 7?
- MUST be a SSGT,must meet minimum time in upgrade traning
What is skill level 9?
-must be a SMSGT (senior master sargent)
-complete all technical, managerial, and supervisory traning.
What is additional duty flight safety ?
NCO manages safety program,ensures members receive job related and local area safety traning. Conducts safety inspections. All things fucking safety.
What is additional duty aircrew traning.
Maintenence and administration of all TRANING records and requirments.
What is additional duty STAN/EVAL
-administers and documents requirments for standardizing procedures and conducting air crew EVALUATIONS.
-maintain FEF (flight evaluation folders)
What is additional duty scheduling office?
Schedules monthly sortie requirments. Prepare quarterly, monthly, and weekly flying Schedules.
What is ACC
Air combat command
-primary force provider of combat airpower to America’s warfighting commands.
What is AFSOC
Air force special operations command.
-provides AF spec op forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands.
What is AETC
Air education and traning command
-mission is to recruit, train, and educate airman.
What is AMC
Air mobility command
- provide global air mobility. Right effects, right place, right time.
-provide airlift and aerial refueling for all of America’s armed forces.
What is PACAF
Pacific airforce.
-mission is to provide u.s pacific command integrated expeditionary airforce capabilities to defend the homeland, promote stability, and dissuade/deter aggression and quickly defeat enemies.
What is ANG
Air national guard
-has federal and state mission.
Total force is?
Maximizing capes of equipment and balancing the experience level of mil members.
Enables af to use reserve /guard component capabilites and stability these airmen bring.
Combatant commands organized into regions known as AORs
Mission is comprised of forces from 2 or more u.s mitary departments.
Joint command is ?
Joint force that may be established on a geographical or functional basis to support missions with limited objective.
Operates using criteria set by unified commands.
Combined command is ?
Consist of forces from more than 1 nation
Under terms of treaty, alliance, or bi-lateral agreement between or among the nations concerned.
What is anstandard publication ?
-Issued by SEC DEF
-annouce policies, assisgn responsibilities, prescribe procedures, direct actions, and provide info for AF personnel.
- digital publication can come on cds, official websites, and local net works.
What are directive publications n
Orders from SEC DEF that meet thenrequirments of law, safety,security, or other areas.
What is air force policy directive ?(AFPD)
They initiate, govern and regulate actions of conduct.
What is an AFI?
Guidance necessary to implement guidance in the field.
What is a AFMAN ?
Can be an extension of an AFI.
Provides detailed procedure and technical guidance for performing standard task/supporting education and traning programs.
What’s an air force supplement?
Add material to existing publications.
What are operating instructions ?
Assign responsibilities, direct actions, and presribe procedures.
What are non-directives ?
Suggest guidance that can be modified to fit the circumstances.
What are pamphlets?
Informational publications that are typically how tos.
What are bulletins?
Contain temporary notices, announcements and instructions.
Issued weekly, bi weekly, or monthly. Can also be published as needed
What is a cover page ?
First page if standard publication.
Contains oublication authority, identification, date, and effective pages, OPR, and serial title.
What is the authority ?
The authority of the standard publication is the office that delivers the guidance or orders of publication.
What is OPR( office of primary responsibility)
Office responsible for the information in the publication.
What is identification ?
The two part number identifies the series and the control number.
Where is the date of the publication ?
The date is located under the identification number on upper right corner. Date it became official.
Total number of pages in publication
What are superceded publications?
When a publication is republished with a new date. Line indicates previous publication it’s replacing.
What is the body contain ?
Table of contents, chapters, sections and paragraphs.
What is contained in glossary ?
Definitions of commonly used terms within publication.
What is contained in the instructions ?
Detailed definition of use and maintenence of AF forms and records.
What are photo copies?
Photocopies of completed af forms and records.
What do tables represent?
Information in tabulated format.
What is the index?
It contains alphabetical listing of topics, subjects, or terms.
Changes in aviation are ?
Inevitable. As aircrew, need to ensure your publications are current
What are supplements?
Adds, corrects, clearifys, supercede or change information to basic publication.
Cannot be less restrictive than basic pub
How will supplements be posted in order ?
My: Malcom
New: NAF
Wings: Wing
Got: group
How are TO numbering system composed ?
Composed of alphanumeric characters, separated by dashes.
What does the first group of the TO mean ?
Aircraft category and basic aircraft mission.
What does second group of TO mean ?
Model/ modification identifier
What does the third group Of the TO mean ?
Type of TO, insteuction, or procedure.
What does the section number of the TO mean ?
Identifies a supplemental manual.
What are flight manuals?
Associated with specific aircraft, aircraft equipment, operation and characteristics.
What are loading instructions ?
Specific aircraft loading procedures.
What is an abbreviated TO?
Primarily work simplication devices.
Made up of OG manual TO number and checklists.
What are checklists ?
Provide abbreviated, systemic, step by step procedures for operations and maintenance of systems and equipment.
What’s contained on the title page?
-Contains TO number
-update information,
-handling and destruction statements
-initial issue date
-change number/ change date.
What are list of effective pages ?
Commonly called A pages.
Top portion of A page identifies all changes
All pages listed under page number.
What is in the body of a TO?
All necessary info to operate and maintain systems on board an aircraft found Here.
What are areas of concern annotations ? 3 total
3 categories
Warning: things that can cause loss of life.
Caution: result in damage to equipment.
Note: op procedure, technique, considered essential to emphasize.
Emergency procedure is marked by ?
Hashed border for quick access in stressful situations.
What is the glossary of the TO
List of terms with accompanying definitions.
What is the index in the TO
Alphabetic listing of terms, and where you can locate their use in the TO.
What are checklist annotations?
For clarification you can add personal notes. Accuracy is your responsibility
What I’d maintenence of TO?
Promptly post all changes and supplements before next flight and prior to operating equipment.
Page count is ?
Maintaing current set of publications.
Posting supplements are ?
Technical order by adding, deleting, changing, or replacing existing information.
Filed in reverse numerical sequence.
What are types of supplements?
Interim, safety and operational.
Interim supplement is ?
Safety condition exists that could result in loss of life, serious injury, or extensive damage or destruction to equipment. Issued within 48 hours.
Safety supplement is ?
Adress hazardous condition that can result in injury to personnel, or damage to equipment.
Operational supplement is ?
Adresss conditions that could reduce operational readiness/impede effectiveness of trouble shooting procedures.
A change bar
Indicates changes to text.
Miniature pointing hand 🫵indicates changes to illustrations or line drawing.
Disposition of TO is done by
Shredding /burning obsolete TO pages
Purpose of publications is?
To identify problems/improve quality of aircrew publications.
What is the EFB (electronic flight bag)
Electronic version of aircrew members flight bag
Used to access publications.
Benefits of EFB?
Cost efficient, save space/weight.
Pre loaded with publications from unit
Update every time via your MAJCOM
Can you modify your EFB?
No, modification for personnel use is strictly forbidden.
EFB limitations
-prior to every flight, must be charged to at least 50%
-need 10% of battery life per hour of flight, no less than 50%
-can only be connected to secure wireless networks.
Red x indicates
Aerospace vehicle, equipment, or support equipment is considered unsafe or unserviceable.
Will NOT be flown
Red dash
Indicates the condition of equipment is unknown and a more serious condition may exist.
Indicates scheduled inspection is overdue.
Can still fly
Red diagonal
Indicates unsatisfactory condition exists on aircraft/equipment.
Not sufficiently urgent or dangerous enough to warrant grounding /discontinue use of equipment.
What is the AFTO firm 781F
First page. Provides: info about aircraft, mission design series, serial number, organization, and location station code.
Provides take to convert hours and minutes to hours and tenths.
AFTO form 781H
Document maintenence status and servicing information.
Aircrew members will document all inflight and ground services.
AFTO form 781A
Document discrepancy discovered by aircrew/maintenence personnel, except those from battle damage.
*ahh crap I broke it.
AFTO form 781J
Document aircraft and engine operating time.
Maintenance technician is primarily responsible for entries on this form.
what Is AFTO form 781k
Document different scheduled or or projected maintenence inspections.
Also has discrepancies from 781A that cannot be immediately repaired.
What is AFTO form 46
List all required aircrew flight and survival equipment that will will positioned on aircraft.
AFMAN 11-202 V1 is for?
Guidance for Aircrew training
for all enlisted and officers.
Initial qualification training.
To qualify newly assigned crewmembers on basic aircrew duties.
What is MQT?
Mission qualified traning
To qualify aircrew members on assigned crew positions.
Performs command or units mission.
The MAJCOM is responsible for
Training events crewmembers most accomplish to maintain currency.
Events may be 30,60,90 days, semi annual or annual.
Crewmembers who are MR/CMR/ BAQ must complete/ maintain what requirments?
Annual fly pha, physiological traning, CRM, life support equipment. Etc.
MAR (mission aircrew report)
Used to track all FLIGHT continuation traning.
Need to complete after each mission/flight.
Af form 1522 is ?
Document ground training. I.e: weapons traning, cbrne, etc.
NMR (non mission ready )
No Qual in aircraft. Cannot perform unit mission.
Basic aircraft qualified (BAQ)
Satisfactory completed IQT. qualified to perform duties in unit aircraft.
Satisfactory completed MQT. maintains qual and proficiency in unit.
Loss or currency up to 6 months requires
Demonstrate proficiency with an INSTRUCTOR in all delinquent items.
Loss of currency 6 months or more required
Requires RQT with evaluator.
Aircrew member is unqualified of
Qualifications expires or loss of currency is > 6 months.
Whatever comes first
AFMAN 11-202.VOL 2
Stan/eval program
Evalconsists of two requirments.
Ground and air
Ground requirments are
Tested with open and closed book tests.
Open book tests, Test?
Info pertinent to operation of applicable aircraft. Resolve aircraft problems encountered in flight.
Closed book test, test ?
info about safe flight and mission accomplishment. I.e: Aircraft systems, AFI/AFMAN. ETC.
Critical info and procedures from MDS T.O identified by building print.
General knowledge.
Consists of questions from master question file.
To fly unsupervised in any crew position
Must be qualified and current.
EPE (emergency procedure eval)
Will be accomplished during all flight evaluations.
Initial flight eval
First evaluation you receive after all trabing requirments.
Qualification eval
-done every 17months.
-knowledge/ performance is evaluated
Requalification eval
-administered to remedy loss of qual.
Reason: loss of currency, flight recheck following failed eval, loss of quality due to commander directed eval.
No notice is ?
Provides commanders with daily aircrew performance.
Spot eval is ?
Not intended to satisfy requirments of a full eval.
Qual 1
Demonstrate desire level of performance and knowledge of procedures.
Qual 2
Ability to perform your duties safely.
Performance or knowledge may need additional traning.
Qual 3
Unacceptable level of safety , performance or knowledge.
AF form 942 record of evaluation is?
Chronological listing summarizing members eval history.
AF FORM 8, certificate of aircrew qualifications
Record and certify ones qualification.
Records: eligibility period, date of eval, qual status, written exam scores, etc.
Volume 1 FCIF (flight crew information )
Contain info temporary in nature.
*you must read before a flight.
Aircrew are responsible for ?
REVIEW FCIF before all missions.