Acetylcholine Flashcards
How is acetylcholine synthesised?
(3 marks)
- Formed from choline and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)
- Catalysed by choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
choline acetyltransferase
- choline + acetyl CoA ⇔acetylcholine + CoA
What can happen if you block cholinergic activity?
Can cause muscular paralysis
Where is ChAT found?
In cholinergic neurons and is released as ACh
How can you experimentally identify cholinergic neurons?
Stain fo ChAT
What is the rate of ACh controlled by?
(2 marks)
Availability of precursors and rate of cell firing
Direct correlation between levels of ChAT and ACh
How is ACh released?
(3 marks)
- ACh is stored in vesicles and moves inot vesicles by vesicular ACh transporters (VAChT)
- VAChT is blocked by drug vesamicol which may reduce amount of ACh in vesicles to be released when neurons fire
- But ACh in cytoplasm increases as it doesn’t affect rate of ACh synthesis
What is botulinum?
Toxin that inhbits ACh release - can grow anaerobically and can be present in out of date canned food
Outline the mechanism of Botulinum
- Inhibits ACh release at neuromuscular junction by preventnig fusion of synaptic vesicles w/ nerve terminal membrane
What are some of the dangerous effects of botulinum?
(2 marks)
- Muscle paralysis
- Produced by anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinura
What are some of the benefits of botulinum?
(3 marks)
- Can be used to treat disorders characterised by involuntary muscle contractions
- Used by dermatologists as ‘Botox’:
- treats facial wrinkles as it casuses localised paralysis and reduces wrinkles for a few months
How is ACh inactivated?
(3 marks)
- Acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) degrades it post-synaptically into choline and acetic acid
- AChE in presynaptic cells can metabolise excess ACh that may have been synthesised
- AChE located on post synaptic membrane
What happens to choline after it has been reduced?
- Considered biologically inactive and can be recycled and brought back to presynaptic region by choline transporter
What drugs block the choline transporter and what is seen in mutant mice with no choilne transporter at birth?
(3 marks)
- Hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) - blocks it and reduces ACh production
- Mutant mice - will die an hour after birth
- Lack of ACh synthesis and release at NT junctions causes breathing difficulties
Does ACh bind to metabotropic or ionotropic receptors?
Both x
How and what drugs prevent the activation of ACh?
(4 marks)
- Done by blocking AChE
- Physoltigmine - crosses blood brain barrier and affects CNS
- Neostigmine and pyridostigmine - synthetic analogues of physotigmine that DO NOT cross blood brain barrier
- ^^^ reversible AChE inhibitors