Acct Theory- Mod 6 Flashcards
What is the objective of effecient contracting theory?
Understand and predict managerial accounting policy choices
Why do we seek to measure the performance of management and promote responsible behaviour?
- To monitor management
- Because we pay them alot
- Because we can’t see what they are doing on a day to day basis
How does financial accounting relate to and contribute to contract efficiency?
- Contracts typically depend on reported earnings
- Debt contracts usually contain accounting based covenants
What is one of the main risks under effecient contracting theory?
Managers my bias or manage reported earnings and working capital if it is to their benefit (for bonuses etc.)
What is the role of company management within the conceptual framework of accounting?
They are involved in the process of determination and implementation of new accounting policies
What is the general concept behind contrats that makes contracting work?
Two opposing parties with opposite goals.
Example: Banks wants the highest interest rate, you want the lowest interest rate.
Essentially, you want to pay the lowest amount possible and still get what you want.
What is an implicit contract?
Agreements that arise from continuing relationships.
Who are the two main constituents under effecient contracting theory?
What are some risks faced by lenders under effecient contracting theory?
- Management my not share information
- Management my choose policies that hide performance
When it comes to lenders, what is Payoff Asymmetry?
Gains are limited and therefore lenders are most concerned about protecting themselves from the downside/
Ex: If you have big gains, the bank still just gets the loan amount. If you have big losses they might get nothing back
What are the three main concepts promoted by effecient contracting Theory?
- Reliability
- Stweardship
- Conservatism
What is the basic concept of Economic Consequences?
Despite what we have learned earlier, management’s choice of accounting policy will affect share prices.
It occurs when management changes accounting policies to:
- Respond to changes in accounting standards
- To avoid costs of technical default on debt covenants
- Postpone investor awareness of financial distress
- Preserve reputation
- Preserve compensation
Will a company’s choice of accounting policies affect the decisions made by investors?
Yes. Different accounting policies have different effects on net income, which is a criteria for measuring management performance.
What are the two situations that allow a company to change accounting policies?
- Required by IFRS
- If it results in the financial statements providing more relevant and reliable information
Can accounting policies be changed under ASPE?
Yes, but only under certain circumstances
What are some situations that allow accounting policies to be changed under ASPE? (7 Total)
- To consolidate subsidiaries
- To account for investments with significant influence
- To account for interest in jointly controlled ventures
- To capitalize or expense expenditures on internally generated intangible assets
- To measure a defined benefit obligation
- To account for income taxes under the taxes payable method or the future income taxes method
- To initially measure the equity component of a financial instrument
What is an Employee Stock Option (ESO)?
A right to purchase shares in the company for a specified period of time at a set price. (Market price at the time of issue)
Why are ESO’s popular with companies?
No upfront costs for the company
What does it mean when an ESO is “In the Money”?
When the option price is less than the market price of the shares when the options vest and can be exercised
How does an employee “Profit” from an ESO?
Buying the shares at a lower price than they could on the open market.
In most situations, who gets employee stock options?
- Senior Executives
- Key Personnel
- Sometimes, all employees
What are the two key reasons that companies grant stock options?
Hard work–Greater Net Income–Rise in Stock Price–Bigger Gain on Options
-Cash flow:
Requires no cash out of the company
What is Grant Date?
The date when the employee is give the option
What is exercise price?
The price at which the employee can buy the shares
What is intrinsic value?
The difference between the exercise price and the market price on the grant date.
What is vesting date?
The date on which an ESO can be exercised
What is expiry date?
After this date, the option is worthless
Are ESO’s free to companies?
No, there is an opportunity cost which is the amount of money forfeited by giving employees a lower price than the company could get by selling the shares on the open market.
Do ESO’s need to be recorded by the company?
Yes, it is recorded as the value of the share at grant date (Fair value Determination). Recorded under compensation expense.
How are ESO’s valued for expensing?
Black/Scholes option pricing formula
Calculates the theoretical price of specific types of options
What are some criticisms of the Black/Scholes model?
- Options can be freely traded, but ESO’s cannot
- Options are forfeited if the employee leaves before vesting
- European options cannot be exercised prior to expirary, unlike ESO’s which are an American option.
What are the 3 main reasons management may be opposed to expensing ESO’s?
- Additional expense may drop net income
- Belief that Black Scholes my overstate expense
- Limited revaluation of the options allowed
What is positive accounting theory?
States that you can predict managers choice of accounting policy and how they will react to new accounting standards
What are the key assumptions of the positive accounting theory?
- Security markets are effecient
- Managers are rational
- Managers act in their own best interest (which may or may not be in the best interests of the company
With regards to the positive accounting theory, what is The Problem of Alignment?
If compensation is tied to goals that benefit a manager AND those of the company, then the manager behaves accordingly (because his goals are the same as the company goals)
If there is a lack of alignment, then managers will be motivated by self interest (at the expense of the company)
What are the 3 hypotheses under the Positive Accounting Theory?
- Bonus Plan Hypothesis
- Debt Covenant Hypothesis
- Political Cost Hypothesis
Describe the Bonus Plan Hypothesis
All things being equal, managers are more likely to choose accounting policies that will result in greater compensation for the managers
Describe the Debt Covenant Hypothesis
All things being equal, the closer a company is to violating debt covenants, the more likely managers will choose an accounting policy that does not violate the debt covenants
Describe the Political Cost Hypothesis
All things being equal, the greater the political “Cost”, the more likely managers will choose an accounting policy that defers reported income
What are the two possible views under positive accounting theory?
Opportunistic form
- Managers are opportunistic
- Managers are motivated by their own utility
Efficient Contracting Form
- Manager are motivated to control contracting costs by:
- –Compensation contracts
- –Corporate Governance
- –Internal controls
Do accruals influence accounting policies?
Yes, they can be manipulated upward and downward