ACCT 3050: Chapter 2 Flashcards
In its more recent pronouncements, GASB refers to core governmental services, together with general administrative support activities, as simply ______.
*governmental activities
*business-type activities
*fiduciary activities
*public works
governmental activities
Which of the following statements about proprietary funds is correct?
*Special revenue funds provide goods or services to the public, whereas internal service funds mainly serve departments of the same government.
*Enterprise funds and internal service funds are distinguished primarily by the kinds of customers they serve.
*General funds and internal service funds are distinguished primarily by the kinds of customers they serve.
Enterprise funds and internal service funds are distinguished primarily by the kinds of customers they serve.
In most cases only ______ funds are reported as business-type activities in the government-wide financial statements.
The General Fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds are in the ______ funds category.
Fiduciary fund financial statements ______. (choose 2)
*use the accrual basis of accounting
*use the modified accrual basis of accounting
*focus on the flow of economic resources
*use the cash basis of accounting
use the accrual basis of accounting
focus on the flow of economic resources
What type of fund will be created to account for endowments created when a donor stipulates that the principal amount of a contribution must be invested and preserved, but earnings on amounts so invested can be used for some public purpose?
*special revenue
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The acquisition of net assets by the government in the current reporting period.
inflow of resources
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The acquisition of net assets by the government that applies to a future reporting period.
deferred inflows of resources
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The consumption of net assets by the government that applies to a future reporting period.
deferred outflows of resources
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The consumption of net assets by the government in the current reporting period (e.g., expenses, expenditures, and other uses of resources).
outflow of resources
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The resources with present service capacity that the government presently controls.
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The present obligations to sacrifice resources that the government has little or no discretion to avoid.
Match the element of a financial statement with its description.
The residual when assets + deferred outflows of resources – liabilities – deferred inflows of resources is calculated.
net position
Government-wide financial statements present all information using the ______.
*economic resources measurement focus
*cash basis measurement focus
*fair value measurement focus
*historical cost measurement focus
economic resources measurement focus
Private-purpose ______ funds can be created to benefit private individuals, organizations or other governments.
GASB standards require that financial statements prepared for governmental funds and enterprise funds include a separate column for each ______ fund.
Match the type of fund balance with its description.
Amounts that are not in spendable form or legally or contractually required to be maintained intact.
Match the type of fund balance with its description.
Amounts that can be spent only for the specific purposes designated by external providers, constitutionally, or through enabling legislation.
Match the type of fund balance with its description.
Amounts that can only be used for the specific purposes determined by a formal action of a government’s highest level of decision-making authority.
Match the type of fund balance with its description.
Amounts intended to be used by the government for specific purposes that are neither restricted nor committed.
Match the type of fund balance with its description.
The residual amount for the General Fund; technically available for any purpose.
The formal definition of a fund states that a fund ______. (choose 3)
*is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
*has accounts that are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities
*has accounts recording cash (but not other financial resources), liabilities, and residual equities or balances and changes therein
*has accounts that are segregated to attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations
is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
has accounts that are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities
has accounts that are segregated to attain certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations
To account for tax or grant revenues or bond proceeds earmarked for a building, highway or bridge, as well as payments to architects, engineers, construction contractors and suppliers, a ______ fund is typically created.
*debt service
*capital projects
*special revenue
capital projects
A government’s proprietary funds follow accounting and financial reporting principles that are similar to those for ______.
*governmental funds
*not-for-profit entities
*commercial business entities
commercial business entities